Pre-requisite for uDeploy agents

Process to install uDeploy Agents

  1. Specifying its target location or
  2. Install an agent that was previously discovered with the agent discovery feature.

There are following broadly three methods available to install and configure uDeploy agents.

Method 1 - Using uDeploy Server

  1. SSH Mode - Installing agents remotely on Linux through SSH.
  2. WinRS Mode - Installing agents remotely on Windows through WinRS. CLICK HERE
  1. From the server, click Resources > Agents.
  2. Complete one of the following steps to install an agent:
  3. In the Install New Agent window, select SSH.
    Note:If you are installing a discovered agent, this step is skipped because the system type is automatically determined during discovery.
  4. Enter the host name or IP address of the system where you want to install the agent in the Target Hosts field. To specify multiple entries, type each one on a separate line.
    Note:If you are installing a discovered agent, this step is skipped because the host or IP address is automatically determined during discovery.
  5. Specify the following parameters:
    1. Enter the SSH port address of the target system in the SSH Port field.
    2. Select the Use Public Key Authentication check box to use public key authentication instead of a password.
    3. Enter a name for the agent in the Agent Name field.
      Note:If you enter multiple hosts in the Target Hosts field, the agent name is appended with a number. The number is incremented for each host after the first one.
  6. Enter the name of the target host user with appropriate permissions in the Username field. This user must have permission to edit the agent directory on the target host.
  7. Enter the password that is associated with the user in the Password field.
  8. Select an agent installation property sheet from the Agent Installation Properties list, or use New to create a property sheet.Agent installation property sheets are templates that can be saved and used to install agents. You can create any number of agent installation property sheets. 

Method 2 - Plugins Way

  1. Install Linux agents remotely is to add the Install Agent with "SSH" step using IBM UrbanCode Deploy Resources plug-in
  2. Install Windows agents remotely is to add the Install Agent with the "WinRS Agent Install" step using WinRS Agent Install

Method 3 - Manual/Command Line Method

Step 1 - Download and extract the agent installer
Download and extract the agent installer to the computer to install the agent on. To download the installer, log in to the server and click the Help icon at the upper right of any page on the server, and click Tools. Then, click IBM UrbanCode Deploy Agent, and download and extract the file

Step 2 - Go to the installer directory
Go to the installer directory where you extracted the

Step 3 - Run the install-agent script.
From this directory, run the install-agent.bat command (Windows) or (UNIX, Linux, Mac OS, or IBM z/OS).

Step 4 - provide the prompted info
The IBM UrbanCode Deploy agent installer is displayed and prompts you to provide the following information.


Method 4 - Auto Discovering Method

Ensure that the Nmap utility is installed on the system where IBM UrbanCode Deploy server is installed, and that the Nmap utility is on the path environment variable.

This feature uses Nmap utility to search for locations where agents might be installed. The Nmap utility searches ports 22 and 135. A location with port 22 that is open is assumed to be computer that is running UNIX. A location with port 135 that is open is assumed to be a computer that is running Windows.

Remote agent installation properties

Field Description
Name Name of the agent installation property sheet. This value is required.
Description Property sheet description.
Agent Dir Directory on the target where the agent is installed. This value is required.
Java Home Path Path to Java on the target. Typically, you enter the value of the JAVA_HOME system variable of the agent system. Do not use the JAVA_HOME variable itself, or any other variable, in this field; you must specify the complete literal path. For example, on a Microsoft Windows system, the Java home path might be C:\Program Files\Java\jre. On a Linux system, the Java home path might be /usr/lib/jvm/default-java. This value is required.
Temp Dir Path Path to the directory that is used during installation for temporary files. This value is required.
Server Host Host name or IP address of the IBM UrbanCode Deploy server or agent relay to which the agent connects. This value is required.
Server Port The port that is used by the IBM UrbanCode Deploy server or agent relay to connect to the agent. The default port for connecting to the server is 7918. The default port for connecting to an agent relay is 7916. This value is required.
Proxy Host Host name or IP address of the agent relay, if used.
Proxy Port HTTP proxy port of the agent relay, if used. The default value is 20080.
Auto Start If you want to install the agent as a service, select Auto Start to run the agent automatically when Windows starts. Windows only.
Service Name If the agent is installed as a service, enter a name for the agent service. Windows only.
Service User If the agent is installed as a service, enter a user name that has appropriate permission to run a service. Windows only.
Service Password If the agent is installed as a service, enter the password that is associated with the service user. Windows only.