• Benefits of Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations (AIOps)
  • Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations (AIOps) Overview
  • Benefits of AIOps
  • Use Case: Evaluating the Benefits of AIOps
  • Implications of AIOps for Business
  • Implications of AIOps for Business
  • Use Case: Implications of AIOps for Business
  • Key Capabilities of Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations (AIOps)
  • Key Capabilities of AIOps
  • Use Case: Understanding Key Capabilities of AIOps
  • Key Dimensions of IT Operations Monitoring
  • IT Operations Monitoring: Overview and Relevance
  • Understanding Key Dimensions of IT Operations Monitoring
  • Key Dimensions of IT Operations Monitoring and AIOps
  • Use Case: Understanding Key Dimensions of IT Operations Monitoring
  • AIops Deployment Types & storages
  • AIops Industry Use cases
  • AIOps Vs DevOps Vs MLOps Life cycle
  • AIOps Challenges
  • AIOps Popular Solutions
  • AIOps Best Practices
  • AIOps supporting DevOps & SRE

    Introduction to Prometheus

  • Overview of Prometheus
    • Brief history and purpose
    • Key features and architecture
  • Basic Installation and Configuration
    • Quick setup guide
    • Overview of configuration files and settings
  • Understanding Metrics and Data Model
    • Introduction to Prometheus metrics
    • Data types and structure
  • Q&A Session

    Basic Monitoring with Prometheus

  • Instrumentation and Metrics Collection
    • How to add Prometheus metrics to an application
    • Best practices for metric collection
  • Introduction to Prometheus Query Language (PromQL)
    • Basic syntax and queries
    • Creating simple alerts
  • Hands-On Exercise
    • Quick setup of basic monitoring for a demo application

Introduction to Grafana and Dashboard Creation

  • Overview of Grafana
    • Key features and integration with Prometheus

  • Setting Up Grafana
    • Connecting Grafana to Prometheus

  • Creating Basic Dashboards in Grafana
    • Introduction to dashboard creation and configuration
    • Overview of visualization type

  • Hands-On Exercise
    • Participants create a basic dashboard for the demo application

Advanced Features and AIOps Integration

  • Advanced Dashboard Techniques in Grafana
    • Dynamic dashboards with variables
    • Setting up basic alerts in Grafana

  • Integrating Prometheus and Grafana with AIOps
    • How these tools fit into an AIOps strategy
    • Brief on AIOps concepts relevant to monitoring and observability

  • Wrap-Up and Q&A
    • Recap of key concepts
    • Open floor for questions and discussion on real-world applications

Introduction to the ELK Stack

  • Overview of ELK Stack
    • Introduction to Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana
    • Role of ELK in AIOps
    • Basic architecture and flow of data within the ELK Stack

  • Introduction to Elasticsearch
    • Understanding Elasticsearch basics: Indexes, Documents, and Nodes
    • Basic Elasticsearch operations: CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete)

  • Q&A Session
    • Address initial queries and clarifications

Deep Dive into Logstash and Data Ingestion

  • Understanding Logstash
    • Logstash fundamentals: Input, Filter, and Output plugins
    • Configuring Logstash for data ingestion

  • Hands-On Exercise: Setting Up Logstash
    • Walkthrough of setting up a basic Logstash pipeline
    • Ingesting sample data into Elasticsearch

Kibana for Data Visualization and Analysis

  • Introduction to Kibana
    • Kibana Dashboard, Visualization, and Discover features
    • Connecting Kibana to Elasticsearch

  • Hands-On Exercise: Creating Visualizations and Dashboards
    • Participants create basic visualizations and dashboards using the ingested data
    • Exploration of Kibana's features relevant to AIOps

ELK Stack in AIOps and Advanced Topics

  • ELK Stack in the Context of AIOps
    • Integrating ELK with AIOps workflows
    • Real-world use cases of ELK in AIOps (e.g., anomaly detection, performance monitoring)

  • Advanced ELK Features
    • Brief on advanced Elasticsearch queries
    • Overview of X-Pack features (security, alerting, machine learning)

  • Wrap-Up and Q&A
    • Recap of key points
    • Open Q&A session to discuss practical applications and address any remaining questions

Introduction to Kibana

    • What is Apache Kafka and why it's important in AIOps
    • Kafka's architecture and core components (Brokers, Topics, Producers, Consumers)

  • Kafka Installation and Basic Configuration
    • Setting up a basic Kafka environment
    • Overview of Kafka configuration files

  • Kafka Producers and Consumers
    • Understanding Producers and Consumers
    • Writing basic producers and consumers

  • Q&A Session
    • Address initial queries and clarifications

Kafka in Depth - Topics, Partitions, and Replication

  • Deep Dive into Kafka Topics and Partitions
    • Creating and managing Topics
    • Understanding Partitions for scalability and reliability

  • Kafka Replication and Fault Tolerance
    • Concept of replication for high availability
    • Leader and follower partitions

Kafka Streams and Kafka Connect

  • Introduction to Kafka Streams
    • Understanding stream processing in Kafka
    • Basics of Kafka Streams API

  • Kafka Connect for Integration
    • Overview of Kafka Connect
    • Setting up connectors for data import/export

Kafka in AIOps and Practical Exercise

  • Using Kafka in an AIOps Context
    • Role of Kafka in event-driven architectures for AIOps
    • Real-world use cases: Log aggregation, metrics collection, real-time analytics

  • Hands-On Exercise: Setting Up a Kafka Pipeline
    • Building a simple pipeline for data ingestion and processing
    • Monitoring and managing Kafka performance

  • Wrap-Up and Q&A Session
    • Recap of key concepts and best practices
    • Open floor for final questions and discussions

Introduction to TensorFlow and Machine Learning Basics

  • Overview of TensorFlow
    • Introduction to TensorFlow and its relevance in AIOps
    • Core features and capabilities of TensorFlow

  • Machine Learning Fundamentals
    • Brief overview of machine learning concepts
    • How TensorFlow supports machine learning operations

  • Setting Up TensorFlow
    • Installation and setup of TensorFlow
    • Introduction to TensorFlow’s programming model

  • Q&A Session
    • Address initial queries and clarifications

TensorFlow Basics - Operations, Graphs, and Sessions

  • TensorFlow Core Concepts
    • Understanding Tensors, Operations, Graphs, and Sessions
    • Building simple computation graphs

  • Hands-On Exercise: Basic TensorFlow Operations
    • Creating and executing a simple TensorFlow program
    • Introduction to TensorFlow data types and operations

Building Machine Learning Models with TensorFlow

  • Introduction to Neural Networks in TensorFlow
    • Basic concepts of neural networks
    • Building a simple neural network in TensorFlow

  • Practical Exercise: Building a Basic ML Model
    • Step-by-step construction of a machine learning model for a simple problem (e.g., regression or classification)

TensorFlow in AIOps and Advanced Topics

  • TensorFlow in the Context of AIOps
    • Discussing the role of TensorFlow in AIOps (e.g., anomaly detection, predictive maintenance)
    • Real-world examples of TensorFlow applications in AIOps

  • Advanced TensorFlow Features
    • Overview of advanced features like TensorFlow Extended (TFX), Keras for deep learning, and distributed training

  • Wrap-Up and Q&A Session
    • Recap of key concepts and best practices
    • Open floor for final questions and discussions on practical TensorFlow applications in AIOps

Introduction to Jupyter Notebooks

  • Overview of Jupyter Notebooks (15 mins)
    • Introduction to Jupyter Notebooks and their importance in data analysis
    • Key features and benefits in the context of AIOps

  • Setting Up Jupyter Notebooks (15 mins)
    • Installation and basic setup
    • Navigating the Jupyter Notebook interface

  • Basic Operations in Jupyter Notebook (15 mins)
    • Creating and managing notebooks
    • Overview of Markdown, code cells, and kernel management

  • Q&A Session (15 mins)
    • Addressing initial queries and clarifications

Data Analysis Basics in Jupyter Notebook

  • Data Import and Manipulation
    • Importing data from various sources (CSV, databases)
    • Basic data manipulation using Pandas

  • Hands-On Exercise: Working with Data
    • Participants practice importing and manipulating a sample dataset

Advanced Data Analysis and Visualization

  • Advanced Data Analysis Techniques
    • Exploring more complex data manipulation and transformation
    • Introduction to time series analysis relevant to AIOps

  • Data Visualization in Jupyter
    • Using Matplotlib and Seaborn for data visualization
    • Creating plots and charts relevant to AIOps data (e.g., performance metrics)

Jupyter Notebooks in AIOps Context and Best Practices

  • Applying Jupyter Notebooks in AIOps
    • Case studies or examples of Jupyter Notebooks used in AIOps scenarios
    • Integrating Jupyter Notebooks with other AIOps tools and platforms

  • Best Practices and Advanced Features
    • Tips for effective use of Jupyter Notebooks
    • Overview of advanced features like JupyterLab, extensions

  • Wrap-Up and Q&A Session
    • Recap of key concepts and functionalities
    • Open floor for final questions and in-depth discussions

Introduction to Ansible and Configuration Management

  • Overview of Ansible
    • Introduction to Ansible and its role in AIOps
    • Key features and advantages of using Ansible for configuration management

  • Ansible Architecture and Components
    • Understanding Ansible architecture: Playbooks, Roles, Tasks, Modules, Inventory
    • YAML syntax basics

  • Setting Up Ansible
    • Installation and basic setup of Ansible
    • Setting up an inventory file

  • Q&A Session
    • Addressing initial queries and clarifications

Basic Playbooks and Ad-hoc Commands

  • Writing Your First Ansible Playbook
    • Creating a simple playbook
    • Defining tasks and running the playbook

  • Ansible Ad-hoc Commands
    • Introduction to ad-hoc commands in Ansible
    • Practical examples of common ad-hoc commands

Advanced Ansible Features

  • Variables, Templates, and Roles
    • Using variables and templates for dynamic configurations
    • Organizing playbooks with roles

  • Error Handling and Debugging
    • Best practices for error handling in Ansible playbooks
    • Using Ansible's debugging tools

Ansible in AIOps and Hands-On Exercise

  • Applying Ansible in an AIOps Context
    • Case studies or examples of Ansible used in AIOps scenarios
    • Integration of Ansible with monitoring and alerting tools

  • Hands-On Exercise: Building an AIOps Pipeline
    • Participants work on creating a basic pipeline using Ansible
    • Automating a simple operational task relevant to AIOps

  • Wrap-Up and Q&A Session
    • Recap of key concepts and functionalities
    • Open floor for final questions and in-depth discussions

Introduction to Terraform and Infrastructure as Code

  • Overview of Terraform
    • Introduction to Terraform and its role in infrastructure automation
    • Key features and benefits of using Terraform in AIOps

  • Terraform Basics
    • Understanding Terraform's syntax and structure
    • Core concepts: Providers, Resources, Variables, State

  • Setting Up Terraform
    • Installing Terraform
    • Basic setup and configuration

  • Q&A Session
    • Addressing initial queries and clarifications

Writing Terraform Configuration

  • Creating Your First Terraform Configuration
    • Writing a basic Terraform configuration file
    • Managing infrastructure as code

  • Understanding Terraform Workflow
    • The Terraform workflow: init, plan, apply, destroy
    • Hands-on demo of managing a simple infrastructure

Advanced Terraform Concepts

  • Modules and Remote State
    • Using modules to organize and reuse code
    • Managing state in complex environments

  • Dynamic Infrastructure with Terraform
    • Dynamic configurations with loops and conditionals
    • Integrating with cloud providers (AWS, Azure, GCP)

Terraform in AIOps and Practical Exercise

  • Terraform in an AIOps Context
    • Real-world use cases of Terraform in AIOps
    • Automating and maintaining AIOps infrastructure with Terraform

  • Hands-On Exercise: Implementing an AIOps Scenario
    • Participants implement a small-scale infrastructure setup relevant to AIOps
    • Practicing Terraform commands and configurations

  • Wrap-Up and Q&A Session
    • Recap of key concepts and best practices
    • Open floor for final questions and discussions on practical applications

Introduction to Jenkins and Continuous Integration

  • Overview of Jenkins
    • Introduction to Jenkins and its importance in CI/CD pipelines
    • The role of Jenkins in AIOps

  • Jenkins Architecture and Key Concepts
    • Understanding Jenkins architecture: master, agents, plugins
    • Core concepts: Jobs, Builds, Plugins, Pipelines

  • Setting Up Jenkins
    • Installing and configuring Jenkins
    • Navigating the Jenkins interface

  • Q&A Session
    • Addressing initial queries and clarifications

Building Jobs and Basic Pipelines in Jenkins

  • Creating Your First Jenkins Job
    • Setting up a freestyle project
    • Configuring source code management (SCM), build triggers, and build steps

  • Introduction to Jenkins Pipelines
    • Creating a basic pipeline using Jenkinsfile
    • Pipeline syntax and scripted vs. declarative pipelines

Advanced Jenkins Usage and Integration

  • Automated Testing and Notifications
    • Integrating automated testing into Jenkins pipelines
    • Configuring build notifications (e.g., email, Slack)

  • Integrating Jenkins with Other Tools
    • Connecting Jenkins with version control systems (like Git)
    • Using Jenkins with containerization tools (like Docker)

Jenkins in AIOps and Practical Exercise

  • Jenkins in the Context of AIOps
    • Discussing the role of Jenkins in automated operations
    • Use cases of Jenkins in monitoring, alerting, and auto-remediation

  • Hands-On Exercise: Implementing a CI/CD Pipeline
    • Participants create a simple CI/CD pipeline relevant to AIOps
    • Emphasizing on automated deployment and testing

  • Wrap-Up and Q&A Session
    • Recap of key concepts and functionalities
    • Open floor for final questions and discussions

Introduction to Rundeck and Runbook Automation

  • Overview of Rundeck
    • Introduction to Rundeck and its significance in AIOps
    • Understanding the role of runbook automation in IT operations

  • Rundeck Architecture and Key Features
    • Core components: Jobs, Nodes, Projects, Commands
    • Overview of Rundeck’s UI and basic navigation

  • Setting Up Rundeck
    • Installation and basic configuration
    • Setting up projects and access controls

  • Q&A Session
    • Addressing initial queries and clarifications

Creating and Managing Jobs in Rundeck

  • Defining and Executing Jobs
    • Creating your first job in Rundeck
    • Configuring job workflows, options, and scheduling

  • Advanced Job Features
    • Using job plugins for extended functionality
    • Handling job outputs and logs

Integrating Rundeck with Other Tools and Services

  • Rundeck Integrations
    • Integrating with version control systems (e.g., Git)
    • Connecting Rundeck with monitoring tools (e.g., Nagios, Splunk)

  • API and CLI Usage
    • Utilizing Rundeck’s API for automation
    • Command-line interface for Rundeck management

Rundeck in AIOps and Practical Exercise

  • Applying Rundeck in an AIOps Context
    • Case studies or examples of Rundeck used in AIOps scenarios
    • Automating routine operations and incident response

  • Hands-On Exercise: Implementing a Runbook Automation Scenario
    • Participants implement a basic runbook automation task relevant to AIOps
    • Emphasizing on automated problem resolution and reporting

  • Wrap-Up and Q&A Session
    • Recap of key concepts and functionalities
    • Open floor for final questions and discussions on practical applications