Supported Platforms
Artifactory has been tested and verified on Linux, Windows (Vista and higher), Solaris and Mac OS X. You should be able to run Artifactory on other platforms, but these have not been tested.

You must run Artifactory with JDK 8 and above, preferably JDK 8 update 45 and above.

Complete guide of Java Installation in Linux

Make sure your JAVA_HOME environment variable correctly points to your JDK 8 installation. If you also have JRE_HOME defined in your system, this will take precedence over JAVA_HOME and therefore you need to either point JRE_HOME to your JDK 8 installation, or remove the JRE_HOME definition.

How to set JAVA_HOME in Linux for all users

vi /etc/profile

export JAVA_HOME="path that you found"
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

and run:
source /etc/profile

Note - Don't forget to delete the double quotes and recreate them from your keyboard

JVM Memory Allocation
While not a strict requirement, we recommend that you modify the JVM memory parameters used to run Artifactory. You should reserve at least 512MB for Artifactory, and the recommended values for JVM parameters are as follows:

Recommended JVM parameters
The larger your repository or number of concurrent users, the larger you need to make the -Xms and -Xmx values accordingly.

Recommended values are:
-server -Xms512m -Xmx2g -Xss256k -XX:+UseG1GC
To set your JVM parameters according to your platform, please refer to the corresponding instructions for Linux, Solaris or Mac, or Windows.

Artifactory has been tested with the latest versions of Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari.


Installation in Linux

Downloading Artifactory file
Download the artifactory installtion zip file from
Linux command to download the zip file
> wget

Which Artifactory Do You Need?

Artifactory comes in three flavors:

Artifactory OSS

Offers powerful enterprise feature and fine-grained permission control behind a sleek and easy-to-use UI.

Using the links in the next column, you can download the Artifactory OSS installation files, or the source files so you can build Artifactory OSS yourself.

For more information on building Artifactory OSS, please refer to the Readme file.

Artifactory Pro

Exposes a set of professional add-ons, on top of those already available to you from Artifactory Open Source, opening up a whole world of

features that empower you to manage your binaries and integrate with industry standard tools in your development and deployment ecosystem.

Artifactory Cloud 

JFrog's SaaS-based solution for managing your artifacts and binary repositories in the cloud with the full power of Artifactory Pro behind you and 24/7 SLA-based support.


Installing Artifactory
To install Artifactory manually, simply unzip the Artifactory download file to a location on your file system. This will be your $ARTIFACTORY_HOME location.
No further action is needed.

Running Artifactory
You can run Artifactory manually to see its behavior by directly executing:

The console is locked on the Artifactory process and you can stop it cleanly with Ctrl+C.

To directly run Artifactory as a daemon process, using the environment variables of the shell you are currently in, execute the following script:
$ARTIFACTORY_HOME/bin/artifactoryctl start

Using the same script, you can check if Artifactory is running and display its process id, or stop it using: Checking if Artifactory is running or stopping it
$ARTIFACTORY_HOME/bin/artifactoryctl check | stop

Accessing Artifactory
Artifactory can be accessed using the following URL:
For example, if you are testing on your local machine you would use: http://localhost:8081/artifactory

Onboarding Wizard

The onboarding wizard makes sure you get Artifactory set up with the minimal information needed to get started. 

Onboarding wizard - Welcome

Onboarding wizard - License

Onboarding wizard - admin password

Welcome: The beginning of the onboarding wizard. Click Next to get started.

License: Enter your license key and click Next to continue. Admin password: Set the admin password (recommended) and click Next to continue, or click Skip to stay with the default admin password.

Onboarding wizard - configure proxy

Onboarding wizard - create repositories

Onboarding wizard - Summary

Proxy: Configure a proxy server and click Next to continue, or click Skip to configure one later.

Create Repositories: Select the package formats for which Artifactory should create default repositories and click Create to continue.

Summary: Displays the default repositories created according to your selection. Click Finish to complete the wizard and get started with Artifactory.



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