Questions - 1

What if I change the file in node Manually and then run the chef cookbooks?

Questions - 2

How to include another recipe in cookbook apart from default?

Questions - 3

How to generate the detailed log with Chef-apply?

Questions - 4

How to generate the detailed log with Chef-client?

Questions - 5

How to generate the detailed log with knife?

How to disable SSL in chef?


unset https_proxy
# To Fix the Certificate issues
knife ssl fetch
export https_proxy=
scp /var/opt/opscode/nginx/ca/ root@

What is node object in Chef?

Please read it here -

What is location of node object in Chef node?

It is only stored in memory.You can extract it yourself via something like:

file Chef::Config[:file_cache_path] + "/node.json" do
  content Chef::JSONCompat.to_json_pretty(node.to_hash)

Can I view the node objects directly on Chef server? are the json files just stored on the Chef Server's file system?

Can I view the node objects directly on Chef server? are the json files just stored on the Chef Server's file system?

How do I get all node objects from chef server in the form of json?

$ knife search '*:*' --format=json
$ knife download nodes/

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