How to configure docker with default private registry and default login

To configure Docker with a default private registry and default login, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Set up a private registry: You can set up a private registry on a remote server or locally. You can use a tool like Docker Compose to set up a private registry on a remote server. For example, you can create a docker-compose.yml file with the following contents:

    image: registry:2
      - "5000:5000"

This will start a registry service on port 5000.

  1. Create a configuration file: Create a file called config.json with the following contents:
  "auths": {
    "your.registry.url": {
      "auth": "your_username:your_password"

Replace your.registry.url with the URL of your private registry, and replace your_username and your_password with the username and password you want to use to log in to the registry.

  1. Add the configuration file to Docker: You can add the configuration file to Docker by copying it to ~/.docker/config.json on your machine.
  2. Test the configuration: You can test the configuration by running the following command:
docker login your.registry.url

Replace your.registry.url with the URL of your private registry. If the configuration is correct, you should be able to log in to the registry using the username and password you specified in the configuration file.

  1. Use the private registry: You can now use the private registry as the default registry for Docker. To do this, you can tag your images with the URL of your private registry, and then push the images to the registry. For example:
docker tag your-image your.registry.url/your-image
docker push your.registry.url/your-image

This will push the your-image image to your private registry, and you can now pull the image from the registry using the same URL:

docker pull your.registry.url/your-image
Rajesh Kumar
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