Helm Tutorials: Helm Commands with example and use cases

Basic Commands

  1. helm install: This command is used to install a chart and create a new release. Example: helm install my-release stable/mysqlUse case: Installing a MySQL database using the stable/mysql chart.
  2. helm upgrade: This command is used to upgrade a release to a new version of a chart or modify its configuration.Example: helm upgrade my-release stable/mysql --set mysqlRootPassword=newpasswordUse case: Upgrading the my-release MySQL database to a new version and changing the root password.
  3. helm rollback: This command is used to roll back a release to a previous version.Example: helm rollback my-release 1 Use case: Reverting the my-release MySQL database to version 1 after encountering issues with version 2.
  4. helm delete: This command is used to delete a release and free up the resources associated with it.Example: helm delete my-release Use case: Removing the my-release MySQL database from the Kubernetes cluster.
  5. helm list: This command is used to list all the installed releases.Example: helm listUse case: Checking the list of installed releases in the cluster.
  6. helm status: This command is used to get the status of a release.Example: helm status my-releaseUse case: Checking the status of the my-release MySQL database.
  7. helm search: This command is used to search for available charts in Helm repositories.Example: helm search repo mysqlUse case: Searching for available MySQL-related charts in Helm repositories.
  8. helm dependency update: This command is used to download the dependencies for a chart.Example: helm dependency update my-chartUse case: Downloading the dependencies required for the custom chart named my-chart.

Intermediate Commands

  1. helm repo add: This command is used to add a Helm repository to your local environment.Example: helm repo add stable https://charts.helm.sh/stableUse case: Adding the stable repository to your local Helm environment to access charts from the stable repository.
  2. helm repo update: This command is used to update the local cache of Helm repositories.Example: helm repo updateUse case: Refreshing the local cache to ensure that you have the latest versions of the charts from the added repositories.
  3. helm lint: This command is used to lint a chart to validate its syntax and configuration.Example: helm lint my-chartUse case: Checking the syntax and configuration of a custom chart named my-chart to ensure it is valid.
  4. helm package: This command is used to package a chart directory into a compressed chart archive.Example: helm package my-chartUse case: Creating a compressed chart archive from a chart directory named my-chart to distribute or install it locally.
  5. helm history: This command is used to view the release history of a chart.Example: helm history my-releaseUse case: Viewing the history of the my-release chart, including the revision numbers, dates, and statuses of the previous releases.
  6. helm show: This command is used to display information about a chart or a release.Example: helm show chart stable/mysqlUse case: Displaying information about the stable/mysql chart, such as its description, maintainers, and dependencies.
  7. helm template: This command is used to render a chart locally without installing it.Example: helm template my-chartUse case: Generating the Kubernetes manifests from a chart named my-chart without deploying it, useful for inspection or customization purposes.
Rajesh Kumar
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