Troubleshooting Knative Guide

$ kubectl describe pod -n knative-serving activator-774d4ff4b8-4l5vp | grep Reason
      Reason:       OOMKilled
Check net-istio-controller pod:
$ kubectl get pods -n knative-serving
$ kubectl logs net-istio-controller-8d456687b-hq95g -n knative-serving
$ kubectl get secrets -A | wc -l
$ kubectl describe pod -n knative-serving activator-774d4ff4b8-4l5vp | grep Reason
Attack the target ksvc with a throughput higher than it could handle. Example to attack with 200 rps with 1s timeout
$ ali --body 'dummy request body' -m POST --duration 7200s --rate 200 --timeout 1s https://ksvc-endpoint-url
$ kubectl get all -n istio-system
$ kubectl get all -n knative-serving
$ kubectl describe service/autoscaler -n knative-serving
$ kubectl edit pod/net-istio-controller-57b94f48b5-8g95t -n knative-serving
$ kubectl edit service/autoscaler -n knative-serving
$ kubectl get hpa -n knative-serving
$ kubectl describe horizontalpodautoscaler.autoscaling/activator -n knative-serving
$ kubectl describe cm config-autoscaler -n knative-serving
$ kubectl describe cm config-autoscaler -n knative-serving | grep target-burst-capacity
$ kubectl get secrets -A | wc -l
# Check the installed Knative Serving version by running the command:
$ kubectl get namespace knative-serving -o 'go-template={{index .metadata.labels ""}}'
# If you installed with the Operator  - installed Knative Serving version
$ kubectl get KnativeServing knative-serving --namespace knative-serving
# Check the installed Knative Eventing version by running the command:
$ kubectl get namespace knative-eventing -o 'go-template={{index .metadata.labels ""}}'
# If you installed with the Operator  - installed Knative Eventing version
$ kubectl get KnativeEventing knative-eventing --namespace knative-eventing  
Rajesh Kumar
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