How to install mod_status on your Apache servers and enable ExtendedStatus?

What is mod_status?

mod_status is an Apache module that helps to monitor web server load and current httpd connections with an HTML interface that can be accessed via a web browser.

Apache’s mod_status shows a plain HTML page containing the information about current statistics of the webserver including.

  • Total number of incoming requests
  • Total number of bytes and counts server
  • The CPU usage of Webserver
  • Server Load
  • Server Uptime
  • Total Traffic
  • Total number of idle workers
  • PIDs with the respective clients and many more.

The default Apache Project enabled their server statistics page to the general public. To have a demo of the busy web site’s status page, visit.

How to Enable mod_status in Apache in Centos/Redhat?

$ sudo vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

DocumentRoot "/var/www/html"
LoadModule status_module modules/
<Location /server-status>
   SetHandler server-status
   Order deny,allow
   Deny from all
   Allow from all
   Allow from
ExtendedStatus On

$ httpd -t
$ sudo systemctl restart httpd
$ curl http://localhost/server-status
$ curl http://localhost/server-status/?refresh=5

How to Enable mod_status in Apache in Ubuntu?

Step - 1 - By default, Apache ships with the mod_status module already enabled. You can verify this by checking the mods_enabled directory by running ls command as shown:

$ ls /etc/apache2/mods-enabled | grep status*

Step - 2 - Ensure that the status.conf and status.load files are present. If not, you need to enable mod_status module by invoking the command:

$ sudo /usr/sbin/a2enmod status

Step 3 - Configure mod_status in Apache Ubuntu
As stated earlier, the mod_status is already enabled. However, additional tweaks are required for you to access the server-status page. To do so, you need to modify the status.conf file.

$ sudo vi /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/status.conf 

Refer a image below

Set the Require ip directive to reflect the IP address of the machine that you will be accessing the server from.

Step 4 - Save the changes and restart Apache for the changes to take effect to confirm the status as shown:

$ sudo systemctl restart apache2
$ sudo systemctl status apache2
$ curl http://server-ip/server-status
$ curl http://server-ip/server-status?refresh=5
Rajesh Kumar
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