Convert df -h output to html table

rajeshkumar created the topic: convert df -h output to html table Code shared on permonks by choroba. #!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Text::Table; use constant CAPACITY => 3; my…

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Df and Du issues with script

scmuser created the topic: df and du issues with script A script named test containing the df and du commands displays nothing when executed. Why does that happen? state two…

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Df command usage

rajeshkumar created the topic: df command usage Filesystems using more than 90% capacity df -hP | awk ‘{x=$5;sub (“%”,””,x)}x>75’ df -h | awk ‘{if(NF==1){x=$0;getline;if(int($4)>90)print x,$0}else if(int($5)>90) print}’ ssh -q rajesh…

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