Top interview questions and answers for SonarQube

The SonarQube is a web-based open source platform used to measure and analyses the source code quality. The Code quality analysis makes the code more reliable and more readable. The…

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How can we do the security analysis using SonarQube?

How can we do the Security Analysys using SonarQube?

For Security Analysy purposes, a source code security analyzer
– examines source code to
– detect and report weaknesses that can lead to security vulnerabilities.

SonarQube Upgrade, Backup and Restore Process | SonarQube Tutorial

SonarQube Upgrade, Backup and Restore Process

Today I will share the steps to upgrade from the SonarQube version 5.X to SonarQube version 6.X. We have upgrade guide which can be found but its not complete guide thus I am sharing the steps as follows which can be followed for the production server as well.  As practice shared on the oficial guide that before upgrading to the next major release, you must upgrade to know LTS e.g