chmod's Examples

To change mode of a file system object. Files can have r – read, w- write and x-execute permissions. For example: chmod mode FILE chmod 744 The first number stands for the user who is associated with the file The second number is for the group associated with the file The third number is associated with everyone else who is not a part of the user or group

$ chmod 744

letters u= user, g= group, o= others

= set the permission exactly like this

r= read, w= write, x= executef

chmod u=rwx, g=rx, o=r my file

set the permissions owner can read and write , group can read only, others can read only

chmod 644 file.htm

recursively (-R) change the permssion of the directory and all folders and files it contains to mode 755.

chmod -R 755 my files

change the permissions for the owner so that the owner can read and write

chmod u=rw example.jpg

set the user ID so anyone can acccess the file

chmod u+s comphope.txt

does not give access to every user

chmod u-s comphone.txt

read and wwrite to everyone

chmod a=rw file.txt

change the client c permission so that owner cannot write but can only see

chmod u=r assign1 client.c

change the client c permission so that owner cannot write but can only see

chmod u=r assign1 client.c

after applying this command the user cannot change the  directory

chmod u=rw exam

it will set the read and wrote permission for other users of text files

chmod o+W* .txt

user have read and write permissions. group and others have only read permission

chmod u=rw, go= r new_file.txt

ewe can add the execute permission for everyone.

chmod a+x

remove read permission for others

chmod o-r *.page

to change the owner of the file

chown owner file file name

to change ownership to root  use sudo

sudo chown root file1.txt

reports when file change is made

chown -c master file.txt

change permissions for the group and writ permissions for file.txt file

chmod g+w file.txt

change permissions for the group and writ permissions for file.txt file

chmod g+w file.txt

it changes the permisions for all the owner,group and other users

$chmod +a sfile.txt

this command removes read and execute permissions from file.txt.

chmod r-wx file.txt

changes the files and directories recursively 

chmod -R file.txt

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