chown's Examples

This command is used to change the ownership of a file/folder or even multiple files/folders for a specified user/group. chown owner_name file_name

$ chown user1

change owner name

chown owner_name file name

to change the ownership

chown master file1.txt

if you are a user and you want to change ownership to root then use sudo before syntax

sudo chown root file1.txt

reports when a file change is made

chown -c master filed1.txt

it is used to show the verbose informarion for every processed file

chown -v master file1.txt

it suppresses most of the error messages. 

chown -f master file1.txt

change the owner and group

chown master: group 1 greek 1

change the owner and group

chown master: group 1 greek 1

change the owner from particular ownership only

chown --from= master root greek1

change the owner from particular ownership only

chown --from= master root greek1

change group from a particular group

chown --from =group 1 root greek 1

copy ownership of one file to another file

chown --reference=grrek1 greek2

change ownership of multiplw files

chown master: group greek2 greek 3

it is used to show the verbose information for every file procesed

chown -v master file1.txt

to change group oownership

chown :group1 file1.txt

change the owner from a particular owner

chown --from=master root greek 1

change group from a particular group

chown --from=; froup1 root greek 1

copy ownership of one file to another file

chown --refrence= greek1 greek2

changes owner of the file to root

chown root file1.txt

changing the file1 to mygroup

chown mygroup file1

it shows the currenr=t owner and group and also to which owner and group it is changing

chown --from pavani:mygrouop root:friends file1

we can get the owner or group information

chown --refrence=ref  file1

display details of perations it performed

chown root:pavani link1 -v

to view the owner and the group of the file

chown ls -l colors.txt

it prints the information only if the changes are made in the owner or the directory file

chown -c mygroup: file1

a symbolic link of a file is created

$ lnn -s root linux

ownership of a symbolic link file using chown command.-h option is used to apply the changes.

chown -h pilot linux

using the directory name we change the owner or group of a directory by using the chown command

chown linux folder

hides the error message in the output when the file or directory is not found

chown -f root colors.txt

changes the owner of the multiple files

$ chown root colors.txt numbers.txt yesh.txt

changes the group file using group id instead of group name

$id -g root
$ chown: 100 pavani

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