comm's Examples

this command compare two sorted files line by line and write to standard output

$ comm file1 file 2

compare two sorted files

$ comm numbers.txt file.txt

3rd column is suppressed

$ comm -3 numbers.txt file.txt

check whethet the input files are sorted or not

$ comm --check order file.txt list.txt

displays bytes in the output

$ comm -b file1.txt file2.txt

it compares the files without sorting

$ comm no check order file1 pavani.txt

compare file names of two directories

comm <(ls file.txt) <(ls file1.txt)

ignore the case sensitivity with -i

comm -i words.txt colors.txt

write text to directly compare with colors.txt

$ comm colors.txt -

does not print the columns having the commonn lines

$ comm -3 colors.txt names.txt

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