date's Examples

this command is used to dispaly date and time of the system


display the weekday for that date

$ date -d "1992-04-23"

dispalys the week and the year

$ date +"week:%V year:%y"

displays the date in the next year

$ date -d next-year

displays the date in the next year

$ date -d next-year

calculate epoch time

$ date +%s

gives poin of time at the partucular date

$ date -d "1997-04-23" +"%s"

you can get the tiime zone

$ TZ=PDT date

set the time to given date

$ date --set "20190101 11:00"

gives week and weekday and month and year

$ date +"week:%V weekday:%A month:%B year:%y"

gives the specific weekday for the date

$date -d "2023-08-23" +"%A"

gives the error invalid date

$ date -d "15-01-2023"

prints the whole year caleder of 2012

cal 2012

prints the august 2019 calender

cal 08 2019

prints 2025 calender

cal 2025

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