groupadd's Examples

the file /etc/group will contain the group information

groupadd student

groupadd assigns the group ID automatically which is graeater than id of other groups.we can create id s using the -g or -gid

groupadd student -g GID

the groupid must be unique and non negative .-o option allows to create duplicate or non unique ids.

groupadd -o student -f -GID

by using -r or --system we can create system group the group id are between 100 to 999

groupadd -r student

--f or -- force option forces groupadd command to exit status if the group already exists

groupadd -f student

-p or --password allows groupadd command to specfy the encrypted password to the group

groupadd student -p nuhdf

- k option is used to specify the group id between the given specified limits 

groupadd -K GID_MIN=100 -K GID_MAX=499 student

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