ip's Examples

To list interfaces with detailed info

IP address

To list interfaces with detailed info

ip address

To list interfaces with brief network layer 

ip -brief address

To list interfaces with brief link layer

ip -brief link

To display the routing table

ip route

To show neighbors (ARP table)

ip neighbour

To make an interface up/down

ip link set interface up/down

To add/delete an ip address to an interface

ip addr add/del ip/mask dev interface

To add a default route

ip route add default via ip dev interface

displays all information about all network interfaces

ip a

only shows TCP/IP ipv4

ip -4 a

shows the TCP/IP ipv6

ip -6 a

Deletes thr assigned address from the given interface

Ip addr del 192.168.255

Up flag with interface name enables a network interface

Ip link set eth1 up

Down flag with interface name disables the network interface

Ip link set eth1 down

To know the routing table information of the system

Ip route show

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