How to call another chef recipe within same or other Cookbook?

How to call another chef recipe within same or other Cookbook?

How to call another chef recipe within same Cookbook?
You can use include_recipe with a file name of the another-recipe such as

include_recipe 'another-recipe.rb'

How to call another chef recipe with another Cookbook?

You can use include_recipe with a cookbookname::recipe of the another cookbook such as

include_recipe 'ebs::raids'
include_recipe '::my_java' # works still after you rename your cookbook
include_recipe 'base::my_java' # works only as long as your cookbook name is base

But when there is a include_recipe ‘my_java’ line in cookbook, which also requires a depends ‘my_java’ line in metadata.

Running multiple Chef Cookbook at a time?

You can add multiple Cookbook in one using following…

chef-client -z --runlist 'recipe[cookbook1::default],recipe[cookbook2::default],recipe[cookbook3::default],recipe[cookbook4::default]'
Rajesh Kumar
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