What is Chef and use cases of Chef?

What is Chef? Chef is a powerful configuration management and automation tool that allows organizations to manage and automate the deployment, configuration, and maintenance of infrastructure. It uses a declarative…

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What is Chef Compliance and use cases of Chef Compliance?

What is Chef Compliance? Chef Compliance is a component of Chef, an automation platform used for configuration management, application deployment, and infrastructure as code (IaC). Chef Compliance is specifically designed…

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Chef Tutorials: Test Kitchen – Example of kitchen.yml on AWS Ec2

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Chef Tutorials: Test Kitchen – Example of kitchen.yml using vagrant

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Chef Tutorials: Test Kitchen – Example of kitchen.yml using vagrant on ubuntu

Example of .kitchen.yml for driver_plugin vagrant with ubuntu for Chef Test Kitchen

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Chef Tutorials: Test Kitchen – Example of kitchen.yml with VAGRANT and VirtualBox

How to test Chef recipes/cookbooks on your workstation with VAGRANT and VirtualBox using Test Kitchen Install Test Kitchen, VAGRANT and VirtualBox: Chef Test Kitchen: Test Kitchen is a testing tool…

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Chef Tutorials: Test Kitchen – Example of kitchen.yml with vagrant on Windows

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Chef Tutorials: What is Chef Solo with example programs

What is Chef Solo? chef-solo is a command that executes Chef Infra Client in a way that does not require the Chef Infra Server to converge cookbooks. chef-solo uses Chef…

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Chef Tutorials: Chef roles Tutorials and Example

What is Role? A role is a way to define certain patterns and processes that exist across nodes in an organization as belonging to a single job function. Each role…

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Chef Tutorials: Configure Workstation with knife

Install Chef Workstation Configure Chef Workstation with Chef Infra Server using Knife

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Chef Tutorials – notifies and subscribes explained with examples of Notifications

Chef notifies and subscribes explained with examples   A notification is a property on a resource that listens to other resources in the resource collection and then takes actions based…

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Chef Lab and Excercise – Recipe – Part 2

Submit a Assignment of www.Debug.school

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Chef Lab and Excercise – Recipe – Part 1

Submit the assignment on www.Debug.School!

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Chef Tutorials: Chef in-built and common resource types with example

Bash vs execute For a single script, use an execute. The bash resource is for including the script contents inline in the recipe code. Use the bash resource to execute…

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Chef Tutorials: List Of Chef Tools and their explainations

chef-apply chef-apply is an executable program that runs a single recipe from the command line. Is part of the Chef development kit. A great way to explore resources chef-apply is…

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Chef Tutorials: Example of Chef Recipe Program

What is Chef Recipe? A recipe is the most fundamental configuration element within the organization. A recipe:

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Chef Tutorials: How to install Chef Workstation

What is Chef Workstation? Chef Workstation provides everything you need to get started with Chef in a straightforward one-click installation, and to start delivering infrastructure automation without the need to…

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Complete Chef Certification Guide & tutorials

What is Chef? Chef is an open source systems management and cloud infrastructure automation platform. Opscode created the Chef configuration management tool, and the company later changed its name to…

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What is Chef InSpec and How it works? An Overview and Its Use Cases

History & Origin of  Chef InSpec It was acquired in 2020 and merged to become Progress Chef. The company was founded as Opscode in 2008 by current Chief Technology Officer Adam…

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Top 50 Interview Question and Answers for Chef In spec

The cook InSpec is Associate in Nursing ASCII text file framework for testing and auditing your applications and infrastructure. Cook InSpec works by scrutiny the particular state of your system…

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Top 50 Chef interview questions and answers

1.Q) What Is A Resource? Ans: A resource represents a piece of infrastructure and its desired state, such as a package that should be installed, a service that should be…

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Q1. What is Chef?Begin this answer by defining Chef. It is a powerful automation platform that provides a way to transforms infrastructure into code. Chef is a tool for which…

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What is Chef tools? Benefits of Using Chef tools.

What is Chef tools? A Chef is an Open-source configurations management tools it’s developed by AAPS code community in the year 2008. Chef tools is written in Ruby and Erlang….

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Chef Configuration Management Interview Questions and Answers Part – 5

Why do we make a new cookbook dependent upon one or more different cookbooks? So that we don’t breach copyright So that we can make use of Berkshelf So we…

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Chef Automate Essential Videos

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Difference between Chef infra Server vs Chef Zero vs Chef Solo

Chef Infra Server The preferred way to run Chef in a large server farm is with each server (“node” in chef parlance) talking to a centrally-managed Chef server. You can…

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Chef Tutorials: Chef Test kitchen Command Line Options

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Chef Configuration Management Interview Questions and Answers Part – 4

1. What is Chef?Answer: It is a powerful automation platform that provides a way to transforms infrastructure into code. A chef is a tool for which you write scripts that are…

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Chef Configuration Management Interview Questions and Answers Part – 3

What is a resource? Read-only data identified by a type and a name. A description of some piece of a system and its desired state. – ANS An ordered series…

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Chef Terminology and Definition Guide

Chef Server: a central server that stores information and manages provisioning of the nodes Chef Node: an individual server that is managed by a Chef Server Chef Workstation: a controller…

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