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Basic Perforce Command – P4 Command Reference



Table of Contents



p4 add
Open file(s) in a client workspace for addition to the depot.
p4 admin
Perform administrative operations on the server.
p4 branch
Create or edit a branch specification and its view.
p4 change
Create or edit a changelist specification.
p4 changelists
List submitted and pending changelists.
p4 changelist
Create or edit a changelist specification.
p4 client
Create or edit a client workspace specification and its view.
p4 clients
List all client workspaces currently known to the system.
p4 delete
Open file(s) in a client workspace for deletion from the depot.
p4 depot
Create or edit a depot specification.
p4 depots
Display a list of depots known to the Perforce server.
p4 describe
Provides information about changelists and the changelists’ files.
p4 groups
List groups of users.
p4 group
Add or delete users from a group, or set the maxresults, maxscanrows, and timeout limits for the members of a group.
p4 have
List files and revisions that have been synced to the client workspace
p4 info
Display information about the current client and server.
p4 integrate
Open files for branching or merging.
p4 integrated
Show integrations that have been submitted.
p4 job
Create or edit a defect, enhancement request, or other job specification.
p4 jobs
List jobs known to the Perforce server.
p4 label
Create or edit a label specification and its view.
p4 labels
Display list of defined labels.
p4 lock
Lock an opened file against changelist submission.
p4 login
Log in to a Perforce server by obtaining a ticket.
p4 logout
Log out of a Perforce server by removing or invalidating a ticket.
p4 passwd
Change a user’s Perforce password on the server.
p4 rename
Renaming files under Perforce.
p4 resolve
Resolve conflicts between file revisions.
p4 revert
Discard changes made to open files.
p4 set
Set Perforce variables in the Windows registry.
p4 submit
Send changes made to open files to the depot.
p4 sync
Copy files from the depot into the workspace.
p4 tag
Tag files with a label.
p4 triggers
Edit a list of scripts to be run conditionally whenever changelists are submitted, forms are updated, or when integrating Perforce with external authentication mechanisms.
p4 user
Create or edit Perforce user specifications and preferences.
p4 users
Print a list of all known users of the current server.
p4 verify
Verify that the server archives are intact.
p4 workspace
Create or edit a client workspace specification and its view.
Rajesh Kumar
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