What is Apache Kudu?

Apache Kudu is a free and open source columnar storage system developed for the Apache Hadoop. It is an engine intended for structured data that supports low-latency random access millisecond-scale…

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What is Apache Druid?

Apache Druid is among the most popular open-source Apache Druid is a real-time analytics database designed for fast slice-and-dice analytics (OLAP). As pre-existing open-source databases like Relational Database Management System…

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Apache Ant

Ant is a Java library and command-line tool. Ant’s mission is to drive processes described in build files as targets and extension points dependent upon each other. The main known…

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Introduction of Apache Ant

Apache Ant is a software tool for automating software build processes. It is similar to Make but is implemented using the Java language, requires the Java platform, and is best suited…

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Apache Ant: A Build Tool

Apache Ant (or simply Ant) is an XML-based build scripting language used heavily by the Open Source community. Ant automates tasks such as compiling source code, building deployment packages and automatically…

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Using Ant to build J2EE Applications

Apache Ant (Another Neat Tool) is a build tool, mainly for Java projects. A build tool can be used to automate certain repetitive tasks, e.g. compiling source code, running software tests,…

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Ant cpptask with ivy

rajeshkumar created the topic: ant cpptask with ivy Questions: A company I am working for, has some c binaries build with ant using cpptask. They use ivy to retrieve shared…

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Apache Ant Web References & Cheatsheet

rajeshkumar created the topic: Apache Ant: Copy Task full reference This copies all files in directories called images that are located in the directory tree defined by ${src} to the…

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How to put new line in apache ant message

rajeshkumar created the topic: How to put new line in apache ant message How to put new line in Apache Ant echo task and mail task: Answer: line.separator is Java…

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Ant+Unable to create directory as a file already

rajeshkumar created the topic: Ant+Unable to create directory as a file already Hi, I have one file called djir.ear and I am trying to create a folder with the same…

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The type doesn’t support the nested “resources”

scmuser created the topic: The type doesn’t support the nested “resources” Hi, I getting below error when i execute following command Error: The type doesn’t support the nested “resources” element….

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Ant Scripting Issue

ant-qa created the topic: Ant Scripting Issue 1) I have many ant build files ( .xml files / test scripts) in folder : bin/execute 2) I have another testsuit.xml file…

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Condition with Task in Ant

scmuser created the topic: Condition with Task in Ant Hi, How can i use conditions in Ant Task execution? Any idea? tpatil replied the topic: Re: Condition with Task in…

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Replace xml values using ant

tpatil created the topic: Replace xml values using ant I want to replace xml values using ant. Any idea? e.g org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect I want to replace the value of hibernate.dialect property…

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How to delete specific classes from jar file?

tpatil created the topic: How to delete specific classes from jar file? I wanted to delete specific classes from jar file without extracting the jar file. Any Ideas? -Tushar

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SQL files execute : Incorrect syntax near ‘go’.

saiki created the topic: SQL files execute : Incorrect syntax near ‘go’. Getting below issue when trying to run the ant script. I am trying to run few sql files…

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Compile sql file for syntax for error

saiki created the topic: Compile sql file for syntax for error Hi, How to Compile sql file for syntax error using ANT script. Is there any possibility to compile through…

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Can you create a list of files in Apache ant without using touch tasks

rajeshkumar created the topic: Can you create a list of files in Apache ant without using touch tasks Can you create a list of files in Apache ant without using…

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Apache Ant Interview Questions and Answers

rajeshkumar created the topic: Apache ant interview questions Links to all Apache Ant Task – ant.apache.org/manual/tasklist.html Question 1. Write a ant build.xml and call one batch file from build.xml. batch…

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Sample Apache ant assignment – try it out

rajeshkumar created the topic: Sample Apache ant assignment – try it out Clone the prject- github.com/scmgalaxy/helloworld-java-ant Duplicate 10 source file from HelloWorld.java Create a directory called “mybuild” Clean all 10…

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Sample Apache ant project for begginers

rajeshkumar created the topic: Sample Apache ant project for begginers Pre- 1. clone the src code from – github.com/scmgalaxy/Javatest1 2. Create a proper build structure via ant Write a two…

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Apache Ant Interview Questions and Answers

rajeshkumar created the topic: Apache Ant Interview Questions and Answers Please provide answers for the all following questions here… www.scmgalaxy.com/scm/general/interview-…ons-and-answers.html Regards, Rajesh Kumar Twitt me @ twitter.com/RajeshKumarIn

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Apache ant programming Exercise

rajeshkumar created the topic: Apache ant programming Exercise Apache ant programming excercise FIRST Download Ant from the Apache Software Foundation and install it. Exercise Question 1 Pre- 1. clone the…

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Apache Ant Interview Questions and Answers

Explain the concepts and capabilities of ANT? Explain how to start to use Ant and provide a “Hello World” ant script? Explain how to set classpath in ant? How does…

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How to put comment in Ant | Comments in Apache Ant

How to put comment in Ant | Comments in Apache Ant Method 1: <!– Comments are just as important in buildfiles, do not –> <!– avoid writing them! –> <!–…

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How to run ant build in intellij? – IntelliJ/Ant integration Guide

IntelliJ/Ant integrationBy Alvin J. Alexander, devdaily.comThe fact that IntelliJ is off-the-shelf ready to work with Ant is a great, great feature. It’s also simple to configure and use.Assuming that you…

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Simple Ant Example – clean, prepare, and compile tasks

Sample Ant clean, prepare, and compile tasks <target name=”clean”> <echo>=== CLEAN ===</echo> <delete failonerror=”false”> <fileset dir=”${dest.dir}” includes=”**/*”/> </delete> <delete dir=”${temp.dir}” /> </target> <target name=”prepare” depends=”clean”> <echo>=== PREPARE ===</echo> <mkdir dir=”${dest.dir}”…

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Samples/Examples of the Ant copy task – Guide

Samples of the Ant copy task <copy file=”${resources.dir}/MANIFEST.MF” tofile=”${temp.dir.meta-inf}/MANIFEST.MF” overwrite=”true” /> <copy file=”${resources.dir}/managed-beans.xml” tofile=”${temp.dir.web-inf}/managed-beans.xml” overwrite=”true” /> <copy file=”${resources.dir}/navigation-rules.xml” tofile=”${temp.dir.web-inf}/navigation-rules.xml” overwrite=”true” /> <copy file=”${resources.dir}/monitoring-managed-beans.xml” tofile=”${temp.dir.web-inf}/monitoring-managed-beans.xml” overwrite=”true” /> <copy file=”${resources.dir}/monitoring-navigation-rules.xml” tofile=”${temp.dir.web-inf}/monitoring-navigation-rules.xml” overwrite=”true”…

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Flow Diagram and GUI tools for Apache Ant

Nurflugel AntScript Visualizer Link: http://www.nurflugel.com/webstart/AntScriptVisualizer About: Ant Script Visualizer is a program I’ve written to make visualizing how your Ant targets and scripts are related to one another. Ever take…

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Apache Ant – A Complete TASK Reference

Apache Ant Task: zip Description: Creates a zipfile. The basedir attribute is the reference directory from where to zip. Note that file permissions will not be stored in the resulting…

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