Course Outline
- Introduction To Linux Security
- Secure Linux Installation
- Securing The Linux Boot Process
- User Accounts and Groups
- File System Security and Permissions
Introduction To Linux Security
- A bit About Linux
- Current Security Problems
- Requirements of a secure OS
- Which is More Secure: Window vs Linux?
- Linux Security Features Overview
A Bit About Linux
- Open Sourse OS with proven track record
- Alternative to closed Sourse OS
- Comparable and competitive features
- Highly secure, dependable OS
- Wide variety os uses(personal,servers)
- Comes in many “distributions”
- Red Hat, Debian, SuSe, Slax, Mandriva
- Other function-specific distros are built on basic ones to perform specific functions
- Allows Security to be defined on a role-based function for implementation
Current Security Problems
- Malware
- Identity Theft
- Data Theft
- Unsafe Internet Use
- Network/Computer Intrusion
which is more secure: Windows vs Linux?
- Windows is most popular OS, but is highly attacked and exploited due to popularity
- Microsoft is improving security in products
- Windows security fixes can be slow coming,
- incompatible wirth apps,and closed source
- Linux can address All of these problems!
- Linux does not suffer from same proportion of attacks due to lower popularity
- Still suffers from the same issues!
- Biggest problem is lack of user knowledge and complacency
Requirements of a Secure OS
- Protection against intrusion from malicious entities(hackers)
- Protection aainst malware
- Secure data transmision capability
- Secure data storage capability
- Individually defined users
- Positive identification and authentication of users and other entities (Computers)
- Ability to separate users into roles or groups with varying access needs,rights, and privileges.
- Ability to define access permissions to resources and allow/deny access
- Ability to audit actions of individuals or processes on computer
- Flexible security mechanisms to adjust to environment
Overview of Linux Security Features
- Meets requirements of secure operating systems
- Can be made to be VERY secure, yet flexible for wide range of needs
- Wide array of security mechanisms, tools, software, and features.
- Allows for securing resources with access controls, such as users, groups, and permissions
- Allows for secure network and internet access by users
- Built-in tools for securing resources available to network/Internet users
- Apache, Bastille, Tripwire, PAMs etc.
- Can be made as secure as desired
- Lerning curve can be a bit steep
Sercure Linux Installation
- Selecting the Right Distribution
- Defining Partitions for Security
- Intalling Software and Services
- Installing Secure File Systems
- Installation Security Configurations
- Post Install Actions
Selecting the Right Distribution
- Base selection on security features offered
- Plan for role of box – workstation, file server, infrastructure server, multi-role server – and install for that role
- Some distros better suited for different roles – It’s ok to go with multiple distros!
- Linux can be freely downloaded
- Unless you trust the download source, possibility exists of trojaned binaries
- Best download source is usually company that produces distro(RH, Mandriv, SuSe)
Defining Partitions for Security
- Use multiple partitions rather than putting entire filesystem on single partition
- Enables separate partitions to have different access permissions/restrictions
- Prevents attacker from filling up entire disk with garbage, or accessing entire disk
- Mark some partitions as read only, such as “/”(root)
- Set some partitions (/tmp, /user, /home) as No SUID or GUID
- Restrict access to system partitions
Intalling Software and Services
- Install only necessary software and services – never go with “Everything”!
- Attack surface is reduced with only minimum installed services
- Base installed services/software on machine role – dhcp, dns, samba, etc.
- Install only packages from trusted binaries
Installing Secure File Systems
- Ensure file system uses a journaling file system, such as ext3/reiserfs
- Mount “/” as read only and make symbolic links to other trees that are read-write
- Edit /etc/fstab file to secure mounted file systems
- Avoid auto mounting file systems if not needed
- Do not allow all users to mount filesystems
Installation Security Configurations
- Create other uses than ‘root’
- Configure Linux Firewall options. Learn about installing a CSF firewall on Linux servers if you require an additional level of security above and beyond what is provided natively, including defense against common DDoS attacks.
- Choose local login ore NIS login depending upon network configuration
- Configure computer to start in text only(Runlevel 3) mode instead of GUI
Post Install Actions
- Patch computer with latest vendor security
- Virus scan box before connecting to production network
- Baseline system by running Tripwire
Secure Installation Demonstration
- Installation of Ubuntu 20.04.3
- Virtual machine environment using Oracle Virtualbox
- Non-relevant parts omitted due to time
Securing the Linux Boot Process
- Securing LILO
- Securing GRUB
- Runlevel Security and inittab
- Partition Mounting and fstab
Securing LILO
- Single-User mode can be started by typing ‘linux single’ at the LILO boot: prompt
- Single user mode (runlevel 1) is basic mode of Linux OS that can load with root-level privileges but no root passpord required – bypasses login requirement
- Single-User mode can protected by requiring password
- Uses ‘password’ key word in /etc/lilo.conf
- Can protect all(if placed ‘global’ section of file) boot images or only certain ones if placed in ‘image’ section for selected image.
- Passing arguments at boot prompt can cause unsecured boot of system
- Example: LILO boot: init=/bin/bassh causes execution of bash root shell with no login prompts or security checking
- ‘restricted’ key word used in /etc/lilo.conf can prevent passing of arguments at boot tie unless password is used.
- Requires ‘password’ keyword to be used.
- Other options used in file include ‘prompt’ and ‘timeout’ key words to prevent access in event of accidental reboot
- File permisions for /etc/lilo.conf should be restricted to 600
Securing GRUB
- Newer boot loader used in Linux
- Unsecured GRUB can allow unauthenticated users to run commands at boot time
- GRUB allows bootloader password to be set and encryted using MD5 hash
- Uses /boot/grub/grub.conf file to configure
- Create MD5 hshed password using MD5crypt, then pass hash into file
- Users can no longer view password
- ‘lock’ command enables you to secure any boot entry for options or multi-boot systems
- ‘lock’ command also takes its own password entry, so different options have different passwords
- Restrict access to /boot/grub/grub.conf file by setting file permissions to 600
Runlevel Security and init
- init process starts and controls system once kernel is started
- Uses ‘runlevels’ to determin which services start and which users can be login
- Runlevel is controllerd through /etc/inittab
- Runlevel 0: system halted
- Runlevel 1: Single User mode
- Runlevel 3: Multi-user, network services stated
- Runlevel 5: Multi-user with X Windows
- Runlevel 5 is usually default configuration for most linux systems
- Recommend change in /etc/inittab file to Runlevel 3 then ‘startx’ after boot
- Prevents X-Windows apps from auto-running (security risk) if not needed
Partition Mounting and fstab
- Secure mounting of filesystems through use of /etc/fstab text configuration file
- Some partitions and filesystems should be mounted with special secure configurations
- Separate system and user files as much as possible on separate filesystems
- Assign certain filesystems their own partition: /home, /tmp, ‘/'(root) and assign appropriate options
- Easier to secure/backup many small partitions than one large one
- Use ‘suid’ ‘sguid’ options sparingly – enable executables to be run as their owner – source of many exploits – use ‘nosuid/nosguid
- Disable running of executable in some filesytems, such as /home or publicly available filesystems.
- Enable read only (ro) on selected filesystems containing executables or sensitive data – especially Internet facing systems
- Do not enable ‘any’ user to mount a partition automatically.
Security With User Accounts and Groups
- Users and Groups
- Passwords
- Use of Privileged Accounts
- Security User Shells and Profiles
- All users have accounts, even system users
- Accounts control access to resources through permissions
- Groups are groupings of user accpunts that have similar access requirements
Users and Groups
- User accounts and groups are assigned user IDS(UIDs) and group IDs(GIDs)
- IDs are unique to user or group
- IDs assigned by sytem in blocks, or can be assigned by root user when accounts are created
- Root group:GID 0
- Select a UID/GID manually,or allow user creation tool/GUI to select
- Keep same UIDs/GIDs across NFS environment to ensure user can acccess resources across network shares.
- Passwords previously stored encrypted on Unix/Linux systems in /etc/passwd text file, but world readable
- Now passwords in /etc/passwd removed – replaced with ‘x’ in field to indicate use of shadow passwords file
- Passwords now stored in /etc/shadow text file in encrypted from (Using MD5 by default)
- File now readable only by root
- Passwords can be converted from stc/passwd to shadow using ‘pwconv’
- Protect /etc/hadow file by assigning permissions of 400 to file – root is ower by default
- Ensure no ‘+’ character in file to prevent potential unwanted NIS access
- Secure password must be assigned to user account upon creation – don’t use blank paswords or username as password
- User can change password using ‘passwd’ command
- ‘chage’ command used to specify password chaning (age) attributes
- Use to specify whether
- Password must be changed on first login
- Time between password expires
- Account lockout time after password expiration
- Advance warning(time) before password expiration
- Number of days before user must wait to change password
- Password creation guidelines include:
- Must be minimum of 8 characters, 14 for privileged accounts
- Must not contain username
- Must not contain dictionary or easily guessable word(such as P@$$w0rd)
- Must contain at least one each of the following types of Characters: lowercase letter, upper case letter, number, and special character
- Should not contain more of same character 3 times in succession
- Don’t allow reuse of Same password
- Password complexity requirements can be enforced using Pluggable Authentication Modules(PAMs)
Use of Privileged Accounts
- Practice ‘principle of least privilege’
- Users should only have enough privileges to do job – no more than that
- Limit remote login of ‘root’ and other privileged accounts
- Limit direct login of privileged accounts
- Authorized users and tasks for sudo are located in /etc/sudoers file
- Use of ‘sudo’ is logged for accountability in syslog file
- Users should su or sudo to root or other privileged account, perform task, and then switch back to non-privileged account
- Restrict /etc/securetty to prevent unauthorized use of root account
- Remove unwanted virtual consoles from /etc/securetty file
Securing Shells and Profiles
- Restrict default user profile settings
- Change /etc/skel as first step – contains default settings for new users; will not affect previously created users.
- Global configuration settings can be stored in /etc/profile, /etc/.login,
- Restrict permissions on these files to 644 and ensure owner is root
- Local (user) initialization files usually located in user’s home directory
- Can include .login, .profile, .cshrc, .bash_profile, and others
- Sets shell settings, path, options, command aliases, etc.
- Files should be owned by user or root, and permissions set a no more than 740
- Path variable should not include a ‘.’ or ‘::’ to prevent executing commands in root directory
- Restrict normal user use of unneeded shells
- users should not be allowed to use different shells – bash is sufficient
- Modify /etc/shells file to contain only authorized shells.(example – /bin/bash)
- Modify /etc/passwd for user’s default shell.
File System Permissions
- Types of Files
- Permissions Stucture
- Special Permission Bits
- Managimg Permissions
Types of Files
- Everything in Linux represented by a file
- File can be:
- Directories(d)
- Files(-)
- Devices(block ‘b’ or character ‘c’)
Permissions Stucture
- All files can be assigned permissions
- Permissions dictate what user can do to file
- 3 basic permissions: read(r) write(w) and execute(x)
- Read enables reading files and traversing/listing directories
- Write enables changing and deleting files and adding files(to a directory)
- Execute enables execution of executable files and scripts
- Users can have any combination of these 3 permissions
- Permissions are indicated for 3 classes of users: owner, group, and others(world)
- Each class can be assigned any different combination of 3 basic permissions
- User could have read and write only(rw), execute only(x),or all 3 permissions (rwx)
- Permissions usually listed for all classes
- Example: -rwxr-xr– indicates owner has all 3, group has read and execute, and all others have only read
- ‘-‘ indicates users class does not have that permission
- Permissions also given inoctal notation
- Numbers represent permissions
- Read:4
- Write:2
- Execute:1
- In octal notation, numbers are added for each individual permission to give overall value for user class
- Example: 7 indicates all 3 permissions: 4+2+1=7. 6 Indicates rw only: 4+2=6
- 0 Indicates no permissions for that class
- Permissions for all user classes for file given in 3-digit number
- Example: file has permission of 740 indicates owner has full(rwx or 4+2+1, group has read(r or 4) and others have no permissions (indicated by 0))
Special Permission Bites
- Special permissions also exist:
- Set UID(SUID bit)
- Set GID(SGID bit)
- Sticky Bit
- SUID indicates that any user who executes a file does so with permissions of the file ower’s UID – effectively has those permissions
- GUID indicates that the user executes a file with whatever permissions the group has
- SUID and SGID set on directories enables files creaed in directories to have the directory owner set as the file owner instead of the user creating the files
- Use suid and sgid bits with caution – big security risk!
- Sticky bit is set to protect files from being renamed or deleted in a directory.
- If bit is set, even user with write permissions canot delete or rename file
- File can only be renamed/deleted by file owner, directory owner, or root.
Managing Permissions
- Permissions and use classes for files managed using 3 primary utilities:
- chmod sets/changes permissions
- chown sets/changes file owner
- chgrp sets/changes group
- chmod sets permissions for files and directories
- Can use octal or regular natation
- Can set special permission bits
- chmod demonstration
- chown sets owner and group of file
- Can only be run by root user
- chown demonstration
- chgrp sets group for file
- Can be run by normal (unprivileged) user
- User can only change group to one which they are a member of
- chgrp demonstation
I’m a DevOps/SRE/DevSecOps/Cloud Expert passionate about sharing knowledge and experiences. I am working at Cotocus. I blog tech insights at DevOps School, travel stories at Holiday Landmark, stock market tips at Stocks Mantra, health and fitness guidance at My Medic Plus, product reviews at I reviewed , and SEO strategies at Wizbrand.
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Rajesh Kumar at WIZBRAND