datadog-agent command line help

The Datadog Agent faithfully collects events and metrics and brings them
to Datadog on your behalf so that you can do something useful with your
monitoring and performance data.

datadog-agent [command]

Available Commands:
check Run the specified check
completion generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
config Print the runtime configuration of a running agent
configcheck Print all configurations loaded & resolved of a running agent
diagnose Execute some connectivity diagnosis on your system
dogstatsd-capture Start a dogstatsd UDS traffic capture
dogstatsd-replay Replay dogstatsd traffic
dogstatsd-stats Print basic statistics on the metrics processed by dogstatsd
flare Collect a flare and send it to Datadog
health Print the current agent health
help Help about any command
hostname Print the hostname used by the Agent
import Import and convert configuration files from previous versions of the Agent
integration Datadog integration manager
jmx Run troubleshooting commands on JMXFetch integrations
launch-gui starts the Datadog Agent GUI
run Run the Agent
secret Print information about decrypted secrets in configuration.
secret-helper Secret management provider helper
status Print the current status
stop Stops a running Agent
stream-logs Stream the logs being processed by a running agent
tagger-list Print the tagger content of a running agent
version Print the version info
workload-list Print the workload content of a running agent

-c, –cfgpath string path to directory containing datadog.yaml
-h, –help help for datadog-agent
-n, –no-color disable color output
–sysprobecfgpath string path to directory containing system-probe.yaml

Use “datadog-agent [command] –help” for more information about a command.

Rajesh Kumar
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