Grafana Interview Questions and Answer

  1. What can Grafana be used to monitor?
    • Application metrics
    • Server performance
    • Network traffic
    • Database transactions
    • Answer: Application metrics, Server performance, Network traffic
  2. Which data sources can Grafana integrate with?
    • Prometheus
    • Elasticsearch
    • InfluxDB
    • SQLite
    • Answer: Prometheus, Elasticsearch, InfluxDB
  3. What types of visualizations does Grafana support?
    • Graphs
    • Heatmaps
    • Tables
    • Gauges
    • Answer: Graphs, Heatmaps, Tables, Gauges
  4. Which features are available in Grafana for alerts?
    • Email notifications
    • Slack notifications
    • Webhooks
    • Automated ticket creation
    • Answer: Email notifications, Slack notifications, Webhooks
  5. What can Grafana dashboards display?
    • Metrics
    • Logs
    • Traces
    • Annotations
    • Answer: Metrics, Logs, Traces, Annotations
  6. Which authentication options are supported by Grafana?
    • OAuth
    • LDAP
    • Basic authentication
    • Kerberos
    • Answer: OAuth, LDAP, Basic authentication
  7. What can be customized in Grafana dashboards?
    • Layout
    • Data queries
    • Visualization types
    • Access permissions
    • Answer: Layout, Data queries, Visualization types, Access permissions
  8. Which programming languages can be used to write plugins for Grafana?
    • JavaScript
    • TypeScript
    • Python
    • Go
    • Answer: JavaScript, TypeScript
  9. What types of plugins can be added to Grafana?
    • Data source plugins
    • Panel plugins
    • App plugins
    • Kernel plugins
    • Answer: Data source plugins, Panel plugins, App plugins
  10. How can Grafana provide access control?
    • Organizations
    • Teams
    • User roles
    • Network ACLs
    • Answer: Organizations, Teams, User roles
  11. What types of Grafana installations are available?
    • Docker container
    • Standalone binary
    • Package managers
    • Windows service
    • Answer: Docker container, Standalone binary, Package managers
  12. Which platforms can host Grafana?
    • Linux
    • Windows
    • MacOS
    • iOS
    • Answer: Linux, Windows, MacOS
  13. What is the main purpose of Grafana’s templating feature?
    • Dynamic dashboards
    • Static visualization
    • Code generation
    • Data cleaning
    • Answer: Dynamic dashboards
  14. What tasks can Grafana’s API be used to perform?
    • Create dashboards
    • Manage users
    • Retrieve data
    • Perform backups
    • Answer: Create dashboards, Manage users, Retrieve data
  15. What features does Grafana Cloud offer?
    • Hosted Grafana
    • Metrics storage
    • Log storage
    • Dedicated support team
    • Answer: Hosted Grafana, Metrics storage, Log storage
  16. What methods does Grafana provide for exploring data?
    • Query editor
    • Log browser
    • Metrics explorer
    • Data importer
    • Answer: Query editor, Log browser, Metrics explorer
  17. Which aspects of performance can Grafana help analyze?
    • CPU usage
    • Memory usage
    • Disk I/O
    • Network latency
    • Answer: CPU usage, Memory usage, Disk I/O, Network latency
  18. What types of backup solutions can Grafana integrate with?
    • Direct cloud storage backups
    • Automated backup plugins
    • External snapshot tools
    • API-driven backups
    • Answer: External snapshot tools, API-driven backups
  19. What elements are crucial for Grafana’s scalability?
    • Load balancing
    • Clustering
    • Data source performance
    • Multi-threading
    • Answer: Load balancing, Clustering, Data source performance
  20. What are common use cases for Grafana?
    • IT infrastructure monitoring
    • Application performance monitoring
    • IoT device data visualization
    • Business analytics
    • Answer: IT infrastructure monitoring, Application performance monitoring, IoT device data visualization, Business analytics
Rajesh Kumar
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