How to Analyze Powershell code using Sonarqube?

SonarQube do not support Powershell language at present to analyze a Powershell code. There is no SonarQube PowerShell Plugin available as of now.

Please refer –

Alternative method is PSScriptSAnalyzer.

What is PSScriptSAnalyzer?
PSScriptAnalyzer is a static code checker for PowerShell modules and scripts. PSScriptAnalyzer checks the quality of PowerShell code by running a set of rules.

Please refer this

Can we integrate PSScriptSAnalyzer in SonarQube?

Yes. SonarQube plugins is a best way to integrate externals tools and functionality.
Refer – But i could not find any officual plugins for this. Later, based on more searches, i found 2 plugins which has been developed by community for the same integration.

  • Plugin #1-
  • Plugin #2-

Plugin #1 seems to be latest and updated code which we must try and see the integration.Plugin #1 is using PSScriptSAnalyzer only as a scan engine. Plugin #2 is writtern in 2016 and i feel that this has been obselete and need to be re-written.

Intro of sonar-ps-plugin

  • Reporting of issues found by PSScriptAnalyzer
  • Cyclomatic and cognitive complexity metrics (since version 0.3.0)
  • Reporting number of lines of code and comment lines metrics (since version 0.3.2)
Rajesh Kumar
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