How to Install Bootstrap 5 alpha!? How to use update version Bootstrap v5.0?

In this blog I am going to start How to Install Bootstrap 5 alpha! & how to use update version Bootstrap v5.0 in your system. So, before I am going to explain from start Bootstrap 5 first alpha was officially released on last month June 16, 2020. This is update version of Bootstrap 4 in this update most important update shown below-

  1. jQuery was removed
  2. Switch to Vanilla JavaScript
  3. Drop Internet Explorer 10 and 11 support
  4. Improved grid system
  5. Improved documentation
  6. Improved modularity
  7. Improved forms
  8. New responsive font
  9. New utilities & helpers
  10. Easier customization & theming
  11. Lighter package
  12. New API available

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This is url for Offline and Online use If you want to use offline then click download and If you want to online then click Bootstrap 5 Documentation-

Bootstrap 5 alpha!

If you download zip file & extend this zip file you will get all CSS and JS by Bootstrap 5

In this Documentation tab you will get this topic for responsible and attractive website you can use totally code free.

Rajesh Kumar
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