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Jenkins Tutorials: Installing Jenkins on Tomcat

We are going to discuss Installing Jenkins today. We will be focusing on installing it on Tomcat server as a servlet, and tomcat will act as a container for Jenkins.

Step 1 : Check java 1.8 is installed in the system.

step 1

Step 2: Installing Tomcat server.

Tomcat server of your choice can be downloaded from below link :
https://tomcat.apache.org/download-90.cgi – I downloaded core zipped version for my mac. which was 11mb in size.

Create a new folder and place the downloaded zip file there and Unzip it:

For unzipping u can type :

>/ unzip <file.name>

extracting zip file

Now, goto /Users/penguin/tomcat/apache-tomcat-9.0.31/bin , for you path could be different depending upon the time and version which you are using for tomcat but It could be pretty much similar in any case :

when you will run ls command there you will see something similar

path to bin directory

Run, sh startup.sh command which should start tomcat for you.

starting tomcat

If you are getting a permission error like below :

permission error on catalina.sh

Run, chmod +x catalina.sh

You should be good post this goto : localhost:8080 you will see something line this , Step 2 completed, phew !!!!

localhost:8080 – tomcat landing page

Step 3: Installing Jenkins as servlet on Tomcat as container.

First let’s download latest Jar of Jenkins, from here. Once done place the jar in /Users/penguin/tomcat/apache-tomcat-9.0.31/webapps

Make sure, your tomcat server is up and running, as we will copy the jar file Tomcat will start the jar automatically and a jenkins folder will get created in the webapps directory – which will be something like below –

before and after – new jenkins folder created.

Now, let try accessing jenkins – try going to localhost:8080/jenkins

If you see something like this – you are done !!! thanks for holding your nerves and following all steps – if you see any error feel free to reach out to me.

Jenkins home page.

Reference :
https://docs.oracle.com/javaee/5/tutorial/doc/bnafe.html – for servlet

Gaurav Bajpai

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