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Laravel say that Auth guard [user] is not defined

I am trying to override default logout button in my Laravel project. so I defined below code in my LoginController->logout() function. but it’s showing that my guard is not defined. so i googled a lot then I reached a solution of it. let’s see what i found on this.


Just changes below codes in your config/auth.php file. and by the way I am using old Laravel version i.e. 5.5

After changes in your guards section change in ‘providers‘ section also of your auth.php

if your problem occurs yet then please run below commands to clear your cache

php artisan config:clear
php artisan config:cache

If you have any confusion on this issue then feel free to comment and if you find more issue in your L:aravel projects then comment for more resolution. i will be delighted on solving your issues.

References :

  1. Click here
  2. Click Here

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