List of SonarQube options with explaination

Here are some common SonarQube options and their explanations:

  1. The URL of the SonarQube server being used.
  2. sonar.login: The login token or username to authenticate with the SonarQube server.
  3. sonar.password: The password to authenticate with the SonarQube server.
  4. sonar.projectKey: A unique identifier for the project being analyzed. This is used to differentiate between different projects in SonarQube.
  5. sonar.projectName: The display name for the project being analyzed. This is what will be displayed in SonarQube.
  6. sonar.projectVersion: The version number for the project being analyzed.
  7. sonar.sources: The comma-separated list of directories containing the source code. SonarQube will analyze the code in these directories.
  8. sonar.tests: The comma-separated list of directories containing the test code. SonarQube will analyze the test code in these directories.
  9. sonar.language: The programming language used in the source code.
  10. sonar.sourceEncoding: The character encoding used in the source code.
  11. sonar.coverageReportPaths: The comma-separated list of paths to the code coverage report(s).
  12. sonar.exclusions: The comma-separated list of files or directories to exclude from analysis.
  13. sonar.inclusions: The comma-separated list of files or directories to include in analysis.
  14. sonar.projectBaseDir: The base directory for the project being analyzed. This is the directory that contains the file.
  15. sonar.log.level: The level of logging for the SonarQube scanner.
  16. sonar.verbose: Whether or not to output verbose logging information.
Rajesh Kumar
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