Oracle Tutorials: What is difference between tablesapce and schema in oracle

In Oracle, a schema is a logical container that stores database objects such as tables, views, indexes, sequences, procedures, functions, etc. A schema is owned by a database user, and the user can manipulate and manage the schema objects. In other words, a schema is a collection of objects that belong to a user.

On the other hand, a tablespace is a physical storage location that stores the database objects. A tablespace can contain multiple database objects, and multiple tablespaces can be created within a database. Tablespaces are used to control the allocation and use of disk space for database storage.

To summarize, a schema is a logical container for database objects owned by a user, whereas a tablespace is a physical storage location for database objects. A schema is a logical entity, while a tablespace is a physical entity. In Oracle, a user can have multiple schemas, but a schema can only be owned by one user. Similarly, a tablespace can contain objects from different schemas.

Rajesh Kumar
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