PHP Tutorials: List of 30 example with its usage of php command

Here are 30 examples of PHP commands with their usage:

  1. php -v: Displays the current version of PHP installed on the system.
  2. php -m: Lists all PHP modules installed on the system.
  3. php -r "echo 'Hello World';": Runs a PHP script on the command line that prints “Hello World”.
  4. php -i: Displays the PHP configuration information.
  5. php -a: Opens an interactive shell for executing PHP commands.
  6. php -f filename.php: Executes a PHP script file.
  7. php -S localhost:8000: Starts a simple PHP web server on port 8000.
  8. php -l filename.php: Checks the syntax of a PHP script file.
  9. php -c custom.ini filename.php: Executes a PHP script with a custom configuration file.
  10. php -d display_errors=1 filename.php: Sets a PHP configuration directive for a script execution.
  11. php -r "echo PHP_EOL;": Prints a newline character on the command line.
  12. php -a -d readline.prompt='> ': Starts an interactive shell with a custom prompt.
  13. php -r "var_dump(get_loaded_extensions());": Prints an array of all loaded PHP extensions.
  14. php -r "echo ini_get('memory_limit');": Prints the current PHP memory limit.
  15. php -r "echo getcwd();": Prints the current working directory.
  16. php -r "echo implode(',', range(1,10));": Prints a comma-separated list of numbers from 1 to 10.
  17. php -r "echo strtoupper('hello world');": Prints “HELLO WORLD” on the command line.
  18. php -r "echo base64_encode('hello world');": Encodes the string “hello world” in base64.
  19. php -r "echo file_get_contents('');": Retrieves the contents of a remote URL.
  20. php -r "echo time();": Prints the current Unix timestamp.
  21. php -r "echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s');": Prints the current date and time in the specified format.
  22. php -r "echo md5('hello world');": Calculates the MD5 hash of the string “hello world”.
  23. php -r "echo strlen('hello world');": Prints the length of the string “hello world”.
  24. php -r "echo str_replace('world', 'PHP', 'hello world');": Replaces the word “world” with “PHP” in the string “hello world”.
  25. php -r "echo preg_replace('/\d+/', '#', '1 2 3 4 5');": Replaces all digits in the string “1 2 3 4 5” with the “#” character.
  26. php -r "echo serialize(['hello', 'world']);": Serializes an array into a string.
  27. php -r "echo json_encode(['hello' => 'world']);": Encodes an associative array into a JSON string.
  28. php -r "echo implode(PHP_EOL, ['hello', 'world']);": Prints “hello” and “world” on separate lines.
  29. php -r "echo hash('sha256', 'hello world');": Calculates the SHA-256 hash of the string “hello world”.
  30. php -r "echo bin2hex(random_bytes(16));": Generates a random string of 16 bytes and prints
Rajesh Kumar
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