Product Design: Three-tier Architecture

  1. Three-Tier Architecture: As mentioned in the previous response, the three-tier architecture divides an application into three logical layers: presentation layer, business logic layer, and data storage layer. It is primarily focused on structuring the application’s components and separating concerns. The layers are typically organized as follows:
  • Presentation Layer: Handles the user interface and user interactions. It is responsible for capturing user input and presenting information to the users.
  • Business Logic Layer: Contains the application’s core functionality, rules, and workflows. It processes user requests, performs computations, and implements business logic.
  • Data Storage Layer: Manages the storage and retrieval of data. It includes databases, file systems, or other storage mechanisms.

The primary purpose of the three-tier architecture is to provide modularity, scalability, and separation of concerns within an application.

Rajesh Kumar
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