Docker Lab & Assignment – Dockerfile
Dockerfile Lab Exercise – 1 1. Write a dockerfile which has base ubuntu latest and apache latest. Run the apache default when you create a containers and apache welcome page…
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Ansible Variable Lab & Excercise – Part 6
Assigment 1 – Create a playbook and setup a webserver(httpd) and use httpd as a variable decalared in role var file Assigment 2 – Create a playbook and setup a…
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Ansible Variable Lab & Excercise – Part 5
Assigment 1 – Create a playbook and setup a webserver(httpd) and use httpd as a variable decalared in inventory. Assigment 2 – Create a playbook and setup a webserver(httpd) and…
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Ansible Playbook Lab & Excercise – Part 4
Execution Mode – Remote Write a Ansible Playbook to create a group called “deploy” Write a Ansible Playbook to create a user called “deploy-user” which is part of group called…
Read more »Ansible Adhoc Commands Lab & Excercise – Part 1
Program 1 – Write a Ansible Adhoc Commands to create a group called “deploy How to verify? $ more /etc/group | grep deploy Program 2 – Write a Ansible Adhoc…
Read more »Puppet Module Lab & Excercise – Part 1
Puppet Module Lab & Excercise – Part 1 Write a puppet module to setup a webserver(httpd) only in RHEL and use the HEREDOC to craete a html code of index.html…
Read more »Puppet Program Lab & Excercise – Part 2
Puppet Program Lab & Excercise – Part 1 Write a puppet Program to install package “git”, “ntp” and wget in RHEL. Which resource declaration can help us to deploy the…
Read more »Puppet Program Lab & Excercise – Part 1
Puppet Program Lab & Excercise – Part 1 Write a Puppet Program to create a file named with “file.txt” in /opt/ owner by ec2-user and execute permission? Write a Puppet…
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