Troubleshooting Kubernetes Networking with Tigera Calico

Tigera Calico Troubleshooting and diagnostics

Tigera Calico Component logs


if [[ "$1" != "diags" ]]
    echo "Unsupported command: $1"
    exit 1
shift 1

SINCE=0s  # Only return logs newer than relative duration such as 5s, 2m, or 3h. Defaults to all logs.

# Parse optional flag(s):
#   --since=relative_duration (e.g. 10s, 5m)

while (( "$#" )); do
  case "$1" in
      SINCE="${str#*=}"    # grab everything after '='
      shift 1

      if [[ ! $SINCE =~ ^[0-9]+[smh]$ ]]; then
          echo "invalid relative duration, try 10s, 5m, or 1h"
          exit 1
    -*|--*=) # unsupported flags
      echo "Error: Unsupported flag $1" >&2
      exit 1
    *) # unsupported argument
      echo "Error: Unsupported argument $1" >&2
      exit 1

# Check pre-requisites, like a functioning kubectl.
if [ "$(which kubectl)" == "" ]; then echo "Unable to locate kubectl in PATH"; fi
kubectl get ns 2>&1>/dev/null || if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then echo "kubectl does not appear to be functioning"; exit 1; fi

# Make a tmp dir.
set -e
mtmp=$(mktemp -d)
mkdir ${mtmp}/calico-diagnostics
set +e

echo "==== Begin collecting diagnostics. ===="

# Get some basic cluster state.
echo "Collecting basic cluster state..."
kubectl get ns > ${tmp}/namespaces.txt
kubectl get all -n calico-system -o wide > ${tmp}/calico-system.txt
kubectl get all -n tigera-operator -o wide > ${tmp}/tigera-operator.txt

mkdir ${tmp}/
kubectl get installations -o yaml > ${tmp}/
kubectl get apiservers -o yaml > ${tmp}/
kubectl get compliances -o yaml > ${tmp}/
kubectl get intrusiondetections -o yaml > ${tmp}/
kubectl get managers -o yaml > ${tmp}/
kubectl get logcollectors -o yaml > ${tmp}/
kubectl get logstorages -o yaml > ${tmp}/
kubectl get managementclusterconnections -o yaml > ${tmp}/

# Get tigera status.
echo "Collecting TigeraStatus details..."
kubectl get tigerastatus > ${tmp}/tigerastatus.txt
kubectl get tigerastatus -o yaml > ${tmp}/tigerastatus-yaml.txt

# Get nodes.
echo "Collecting Node details..."
kubectl get nodes -o wide > ${tmp}/nodes.txt
kubectl get nodes -o yaml > ${tmp}/nodes-yaml.txt

# Get IPAM information.
echo "Collecting IPAM diagnostics..."
mkdir -p ${tmp}/ipam
kubectl get ipamblocks -o yaml > ${tmp}/ipam/ipamblocks.txt
kubectl get blockaffinities -o yaml > ${tmp}/ipam/blockaffinities.txt
kubectl get ipamhandles -o yaml > ${tmp}/ipam/ipamhandles.txt

# Get operator logs. 
echo "Collecting tigera-operator logs..."
kubectl logs --since=$SINCE -n tigera-operator -l k8s-app=tigera-operator > ${tmp}/tigera-operator.logs

# Get typha logs.
echo "Collecting calico/typha logs..."
mkdir -p ${tmp}/typhas
for typha in $(kubectl get pods -n calico-system -l k8s-app=calico-typha -o go-template --template="{{range .items}}{{}} {{end}}"); do
	kubectl logs --since=$SINCE -n calico-system $typha > ${tmp}/typhas/${typha}.log

# Get per-node logs and network information.
mkdir -p ${tmp}/nodes
for node in $(kubectl get pods -n calico-system -l k8s-app=calico-node -o go-template --template="{{range .items}}{{}} {{end}}"); do
	echo "Collecting logs for node: $node"
	mkdir -p ${tmp}/nodes/${node}
	kubectl logs --since=$SINCE -n calico-system $node > ${tmp}/nodes/${node}/${node}.log
	kubectl exec -n calico-system -t $node -- iptables-save -c > ${tmp}/nodes/${node}/iptables-save.txt
	kubectl exec -n calico-system -t $node -- ip route > ${tmp}/nodes/${node}/iproute.txt

# Tar it all up for easy sharing.
echo ""
echo "==== Producing a diagnostics bundle. ===="
rm -f calico-diagnostics.tar.gz
tar cfz ${mtmp}/calico-diagnostics.tar.gz -C ${mtmp} calico-diagnostics
echo ""
echo "Diagnostic bundle produced at ${mtmp}/calico-diagnostics.tar.gz"

Rajesh Kumar
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