What is difference between Cloudbees CD RO and Cloudbees CI?

CloudBees CD/RO and CloudBees CI are both software delivery automation (SQA) tools from CloudBees. However, they have different focus and capabilities.

  • CloudBees CD/RO is a release orchestration tool that helps you automate and manage the software release process. It includes features for modeling, planning, and executing releases, as well as for monitoring and reporting on the release process.
  • CloudBees CI is a continuous integration tool that helps you automate the build and test process. It includes features for building, testing, and deploying applications.

Here is a table summarizing the key differences between CloudBees CD/RO and CloudBees CI:

FeatureCloudBees CD/ROCloudBees CI
FocusRelease orchestrationContinuous integration
FeaturesModeling, planning, executing releases, monitoring, reportingBuilding, testing, deploying applications
Target audienceRelease managers, DevOps engineersDevelopers, QA engineers

CloudBees offers two main products for continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD): CloudBees CI (formerly known as CloudBees Core) and CloudBees CD (formerly known as CloudBees Flow, or Electric Cloud’s ElectricFlow before its acquisition by CloudBees). These two products cater to different aspects of the CI/CD process and have distinct features and use cases. Here’s a breakdown of the differences between CloudBees CI and CloudBees CD:

  1. CloudBees CI (Continuous Integration): CloudBees CI is focused on automating and optimizing the continuous integration process, which involves building and testing code changes to ensure they integrate smoothly with the existing codebase. Key features of CloudBees CI include:
    • Build and Test Automation: CloudBees CI provides tools to automate the building, testing, and verification of code changes as they are integrated into the main codebase.
    • Scalability: It offers scalability features to handle large-scale builds and testing across multiple projects and teams.
    • Integration with Version Control Systems: CloudBees CI integrates with version control systems like Git and provides mechanisms to trigger builds and tests based on code commits.
    • Plugin Ecosystem: Just like Jenkins, CloudBees CI supports a wide range of plugins to extend its capabilities and integrate with various tools and services.
    • Pipeline Automation: It supports the creation and management of CI/CD pipelines, allowing you to define and automate the steps required to build, test, and deploy applications.
  2. CloudBees CD (Continuous Delivery): CloudBees CD focuses on automating the end-to-end process of delivering software from development to production. It encompasses not only the build and test stages but also the deployment, release, and monitoring phases. Key features of CloudBees CD include:
    • Deployment Automation: CloudBees CD provides advanced deployment automation capabilities, allowing you to define complex deployment workflows for various environments.
    • Release Orchestration: It facilitates the coordination of release processes, ensuring that the right versions of software components are deployed together.
    • Environment Management: CloudBees CD helps manage different environments (e.g., development, staging, production) and ensures consistency across them.
    • Visibility and Reporting: It offers dashboards and reports to monitor the progress and health of deployments and releases.
    • Compliance and Governance: CloudBees CD includes features for enforcing compliance policies and governance standards throughout the delivery process.
    • Integration with Release Pipelines: It can integrate with CI tools like CloudBees CI to create a seamless end-to-end CI/CD pipeline.
Rajesh Kumar
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