Ansible Variable Lab & Excercise – Part 5

  1. Assigment 1 – Create a playbook and setup a webserver(httpd) and use httpd as a variable decalared in inventory.

  2. Assigment 2 – Create a playbook and setup a webserver(httpd) and use httpd as a variable decalared in Playbooks.

  1. Assigment 3 – Create a playbook and setup a webserver(httpd) and use httpd as a variable decalared in external file.

  2. Assigment 4 – Create a playbook and setup a webserver(httpd) and use httpd as a variable decalared in host_vars.

  3. Assigment 5 – Create a playbook and setup a webserver(httpd) and use httpd as a variable decalared in group_vars.

  4. Assigment 6 – Create a playbook and setup a webserver(httpd), pass the httpd package name decalared on command prompt

Rajesh Kumar
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