
SQL Injection: How to check or test for vulnerabilities

SQJ Injection There are a number of ways of testing an application for vulnerabilities such as SQL Injection. The tests break down into three different methodologies: Blind Injection: MySQL example:…

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JUnit 4 Test Logging Tips using SLF4J

When writing JUnit tests developers often add log statements that can help provide information on test failures. During the initial attempt to find a failure a simple System.out.println() statement is…

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What are the minimum features for SCM tools? – SCM Tools Essential Features

SCM Tools
The minimum features for SCM tools are closely related to the task of handling the different product deliverables produced within the project software engineering process. Tool requirements and selection criteria are based on a series of features that provide a consistent look and feel with state-of-the-art software development environments. An SCM tool must have multiuser support, an intuitive graphical user interface, conformity to the organization’s development environment, scalability, flexibility in integrating other software development tools, ease of setup, modifiable models, process management, extensive support for the development phase, and management of nondevelopment objects.

Basic selection criteria includes the following:

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