CSS Tutorial for beginners (Step by Step) with Examples(Part3).

i. Universal Style Class

It is a type of style class which is used by any element of the HTML document. Universal Style Class Starts with a dot(.) operator and followed by the Class name.



.classname { class properties } [ Note :- no space between class_name]


For Example :-


.class { color: red; font-size: 30px;}


Sample Program


ii. Element Specific Style Class

It is a type of style class which is used by a specific element(declared before class name) of the HTML document. An element specific style class starts with the element name, followed by a dot(.) operator, which is followed by a class name.

Syntax :-


elementname.classname { class definition }


For Example :-


p.sushant { color:blue; font-size:35px;}


[Note :- Here, sushant class is used by p element only and if we declare the class in other elements then it doesn’t work.]

Sample Program

Note :- In the above sample program, the class is called in h1 tag as well as in p tag, but class property works only with p tag because of the element-specific style class. See the output Below :-


How to use two or more classes in CSS.

We can use two or more classes in an element/tag by giving space between them.


Sample Program
