Datadog Log: Lab and Assignment

List of example of all search techniques in datadog for apache

Datadog is a monitoring and analytics platform that provides various search techniques to help you analyze Apache web server data effectively. Here are some example search techniques you can use in Datadog for Apache monitoring:

  1. Basic Text Search:
    • Search for specific log messages or keywords in Apache logs.
    • Example: apache.error OR "500 Internal Server Error"
  2. Filtering by Hostname:
    • Narrow down your search by specifying the hostname or server where Apache is running.
    • Example: hostname:webserver-1
  3. Time-based Search:
    • Search for Apache logs within a specific time frame.
    • Example: @timestamp:[NOW-1h TO NOW]
  4. Status Code Analysis:
    • Analyze Apache access logs by filtering on HTTP status codes.
    • Example: http.status:404
  5. URL and Path-based Search:
    • Analyze requests for specific URLs or paths.
    • Example: http.url:/product/details
  6. User-Agent Filtering:
    • Filter logs based on the user-agent header from client requests.
    • Example: http.user_agent:"Mozilla/5.0"
  7. IP Address Filtering:
    • Search for logs related to specific IP addresses or IP ranges.
    • Example: http.remote_ip:
  8. Request Method Analysis:
    • Analyze logs by HTTP request methods (GET, POST, etc.).
    • Example: http.method:POST
  9. Response Time Analysis:
    • Search for Apache logs with specific response times.
    • Example: http.response_time_ms:>100
  10. Combining Filters:
    • Combine multiple filters to narrow down your search results.
    • Example: http.status:500 AND http.url:/admin
  11. Grouping and Aggregation:
    • Use aggregation functions like avg, sum, or count to analyze log data.
    • Example: avg(http.response_time_ms) by http.url
  12. Alerting Queries:
    • Create alerting queries to monitor specific conditions and trigger alerts.
    • Example: http.status:500 > 10 TIMESERIES
  13. Correlation Searches:
    • Identify patterns and correlations between different log fields.
    • Example: http.status:500 GROUPBY http.url
  14. Histograms and Percentiles:
    • Analyze response time distributions using histograms and percentiles.
    • Example: histogram(http.response_time_ms)
  15. Pattern Matching and Regular Expressions:
    • Use regular expressions to match complex patterns in log messages.
    • Example: http.url:/api/(v\d+)/endpoint

List of example of all search techniques in datadog for syslog

Datadog provides powerful search and analysis capabilities for syslog data. Here are some example search techniques you can use in Datadog for syslog monitoring:

  1. Basic Text Search:
    • Search for specific log messages or keywords in syslog messages.
    • Example: syslog.message:"error"
  2. Filtering by Hostname:
    • Narrow down your search by specifying the hostname or server generating the syslog messages.
    • Example: hostname:webserver-1
  3. Time-based Search:
    • Search for syslog messages within a specific time frame.
    • Example: @timestamp:[NOW-1h TO NOW]
  4. Log Severity Levels:
    • Filter logs based on severity levels (e.g., INFO, WARNING, ERROR).
    • Example: syslog.severity:ERROR
  5. Log Facility:
    • Filter logs by the facility they belong to (e.g., auth, authpriv, cron).
    • Example: syslog.facility:auth
  6. IP Address Filtering:
    • Search for logs related to specific IP addresses or IP ranges.
    • Example: syslog.source_ip:
  7. User Identification:
    • Filter syslog logs by user-related information.
    • Example: syslog.user:"john_doe"
  8. Process Identification:
    • Analyze syslog logs by identifying the process or application generating the logs.
    • Example: syslog.process:"sshd"
  9. Message Type:
    • Filter syslog logs based on message type or format.
    • Example: syslog.message_type:"authentication failure"
  10. Log Pattern Matching:
    • Use regular expressions to match complex patterns in syslog messages.
    • Example: syslog.message:/^ERROR:.*$/
  11. Alerting Queries:
    • Create alerting queries to monitor specific conditions and trigger alerts.
    • Example: syslog.severity:ERROR > 5 TIMESERIES
  12. Grouping and Aggregation:
    • Use aggregation functions like count or avg to analyze log data.
    • Example: count(syslog.message) by syslog.process
  13. Correlation Searches:
    • Identify patterns and correlations between different log fields.
    • Example: syslog.severity:ERROR GROUPBY syslog.process
  14. Histograms and Percentiles:
    • Analyze log message distributions using histograms and percentiles.
    • Example: histogram(syslog.message_length)
  15. Custom Tags and Attributes:
    • Leverage custom tags or attributes to further categorize and filter syslog logs.
    • Example: @mytag:myvalue
Rajesh Kumar
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