How to Update and Delete data from database using Controller.

Update data from the database

To Update the data in database table we use update(). See the syntax below:-

See the below code for updating data in the database. I’m updating my id=2 name and email.

When we run the page, it will update the id=2 data from the above data, if the page returns 1 then data updated else not updated. Let’s see the database.

See the above image, the data of id 2 is updated.

Note:- If we can’t add where condition, then it will update all names and emails.

Delete data from the database

We use delete() to delete the data from the database. See the syntax below:-

I’m deleting id=2 from my database, see the code below:-

See the output below when we run the page.

Note:- If we can’t add where condition, then it will Delete all rows.