Complete guide of Laravel certification courses, tutorials & training

What is Laravel Laravel is a reliable and simple to use open-source PHP framework. It adheres to the model-view-controller pattern of design. Laravel makes use of pre-existing parts from other…

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Top 100 laravel interview questions and answers

1) What is Laravel? Laravel is an open-source widely used PHP framework. The platform was intended for the development of web application by using MVC architectural pattern. Laravel is released…

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Directory Structure Of Laravel Application

devopsschool – This is Project Folder app – The app directory contains the core code of your application. bootstrap – The bootstrap directory contains the app.php file which bootstraps the…

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Laravel – composer update asking about – phpunit/phpunit[7.5.0, …, 7.5.20] require ext-dom *

When ever you find above issue then do one thing that your ubuntu server is missing with some packages like ext-dom & php-xml. you have to do simply below things…

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Simple Ajax CRUD Application in Laravel

Step 1 – Create a fresh laravel projet First off all , create a project using following command given below – Change Directory to AjaxCrud folder Step 2 – Configure…

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Create Rest API with Laravel Passport Authentication

Laravel passport Laravel Passport is an OAuth2 server and API authentication package that is simple and enjoyable to use. We will use laravel passport to authenticate token-based request except for session You have to just…

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Event Calendar Output

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Step 1.  eventpage.blade.php Step 1.  addevent.blade.php Step 3.display.blade.php Step 4.editform.blade Run the server, code is given below- Check output on the next page – How to create an event calendar…

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Step 1.Create a Database in phpMyAdmin. (Write the same name of database which was written in .enf databse name). Step 2.  We use the migrate command to create the column…

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JSON Web Token (JWT) Authentication via API for Laravel & Lumen.

JWT (JSON WEB TOKEN) JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard that allows two parties to securely send data and information as JSON objects. This information can be verified…

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What is Framework in programming language?

What Framework A Framework may include predefined classes and function that can be used to process input, manage hardware devices, and interact with system software. The purpose of the framework…

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[SOLVED] Argument 1 passed to Tymon\JWTAuth\JWT::fromUser() must be an instance of Tymon\JWTAuth\Contracts\JWTSubject

Step 1. Go to config/app.php and add to Providers. Step 2. In your terminal publish the config file:  and add it to your list service providers in app.php Step 3. In…

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How to Create REST API in Laravel.

API is also known as Web services. Web services is very important when you are creating web and Mobile app. You require API in mobile application development. If you Don’t know how…

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Request Validation in Laravel.

Request Validation using ValidatesRequest Trait in Laravel. (Click to Open) Request Validation using Form Request in Laravel. (Click to Open) Request Validation using Custom Validator in Laravel. (Click to Open)

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CRUD Operation Using Model in Laravel.

Inserting data in Database through Model. (Click to Open) Read, Update, and Delete data through Model. (Click to Open)

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CRUD Operation Using Controller in Laravel

How to Insert and Read data from database using Controller. (Click to Open) How to Update and Delete data from database using Controller. (Click to Open)

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CRUD Operation Using Tinker in Laravel.

How to Insert Data in Database using Tinker in Laravel. (Click to Open) How to Read Data from Database in Tinker. (Click to Open) How to Update and Delete Data…

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How to Install Laravel Framework in Windows

By installing three software, we can work in Lvr, so let’s know which angle is the software which we can install Installing XAMPP Installing Composer Installing Laravel Open the XAMPP…

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How to Create Virtual Host for Laravel Project on Xampp in Windows 10.

There are Two Changes is to done to Create Virtual Host for Laravel Project on Xappp in Windows 10. Just Follow the below Steps :- Step 1 :- Go to…

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How to Image Upload and Crop in Laravel with Ajax

In this tutorial, I am going to tell you how to image upload and crop in Laravel with Ajax. To crop the image using jQuery croppie plugin, that may help…

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What is API & How it works in All Programming Language?

In this blog, I am going to Explain What is API and How it works in All Programming Language. So, API means Application Programming Interface (API) through this We can…

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How to Insert and Retrieve Data in Database – Laravel Framework

In this example, I am going to show you how to insert data in the database using laravel framework PHP. First, creating table the SQL query: Now, create three file…

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How to Generate New Password in Laravel?

How to Generate New Password in Laravel? Step 1. Create a new Project in Laravel, so Open git Bash. Write down the following command:- Step 2. Now, Move to project directory on git Bash, so write down the following…

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Directory Structure of Laravel

The image is showing the files and directories of laravel. It is automatically created when we create a project using a composer or laravel installer. Let’s we overview these files…

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How to Verify an Email in Laravel?

How to Verify an Email in Laravel? Step 1. Create a new Project in Laravel, so Open git Bash. Write down the following command:- Step 2. Now, Move to project directory on git Bash, so write down the following…

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How to install Laravel

To install laravel we need composer dependency tools. So, let us know about composer. Composer Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP.It allows you to declare the libraries…

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What is Laravel and its Features

Laravel is one of the most popular and widely used open-source frameworks today. Laravel is a PHP MVC framework that offers a standardized and feature-packed platform for high performing PHP…

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laravel slack

How To Send Slack Notification with Laravel

It seems like a topic for basic Laravel developer, but while it’s easy to send emails, but the whole system of various notifications is much deeper, and worth studying. Sub-topics: In the…

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Laravail send mail with attachment

How to send email in laravel with attachment without saving in database.

I was trying to send an email with an attachment that will be uploaded by the user and then sent to an admin email. In this tutorial, we will discuss…

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