How to Login with Token in Laravel PHP Framework?

How to Login with Token in Laravel PHP Framework? Step 1. Create a new Project, so write down the following command on Git Bash: Step 2. Move to the current…

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How to merge two or multiple tables to each other in the Laravel PHP Framework? (Part-4)

Part-1 In the Previous blog, We have seen Left Join. Now We are going to use Right Join.

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How to display a table in a Verticle or Horizontal form in the Laravel PHP Framework? Part-2

How to display a table in a Verticle or Horizontal form in the Laravel PHP Framework? Step 1. Create an index.blade.php file within resource/views/Country/ folder. Step 2.  Create a Controller within the App/Http/Controller folderCountryController.php file….

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How to display a table in a Verticle or Horizontal form in the Laravel PHP Framework? Part-1

How to display a table in a Verticle or Horizontal form in the Laravel PHP Framework? How to Store Seed file into Database. Click There are two headings that are…

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How to install WordPress on Windows using XAMPP? Part-1

How to install WordPress on localhost XAMPP? What is the WordPress? WordPress is a free and open-source (Content Management System) which is based on PHP and MySql. It’s the simplest…

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How to merge two or multiple tables to each other in the Laravel PHP Framework? (Part-1)

How to merge two or multiple tables to each other in the Laravel PHP Framework? Part-2 Part-3 How to seed Country/State data into the Database? Click Here Here, we are…

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How to merge two or multiple tables to each other in the Laravel PHP Framework? (Part-3)

Part-1 Part-2 Now, we’ll create the 2nd table State to merge with the Country table. Step 1. Create child file resources/views/State folder with name create.blade.php. Step 2. Create edit.blade.php file. In this file within resources/views/State folder. Step…

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How to merge two or multiple tables to each other in the Laravel PHP Framework? (Part-2)

How to merge two or multiple tables to each other in the Laravel PHP Framework? Part-1 Part-3 Step 1. Go to app/Country.php. Now, we need to list all the properties…

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How to Store Countries, States, Cities seed classes into the Database in Laravel PHP? (Part-3)

How to Store Countries, States, Cities seed classes into the Database in Laravel PHP Part-1 Part- 2 Step 1. Create a City seeder file. Write down the following command as…

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How to Store Countries, States, Cities seed classes into the Database in Laravel PHP? (Part-1)

How to Store Countries, States, Cities seed classes into the Database in Laravel PHP? Part- 2 Part- 3 Step 1. Create a Country seeder file. Write down the following command…

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How to Store Countries, States, Cities seed classes into the Database in Laravel PHP? (Part-2)

How to Store Countries, States, Cities seed classes into the Database in Laravel PHP? Part-1 Part-3 Step 1. Create a State seeder file. Write down the following command as follows:…

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How to set a Default image of the user’s profile image in the Laravel PHP Framework?

How to set a Default image of the user’s profile image in the Laravel PHP Framework? Click Upload Profile Image. Click Remove Old Profile Image. Step 1. Create a new Project…

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An Error: ReflectionException of the Class CountrySeeder does not exist in Laravel PHP.

Why does this error occur? (ReflectionException : Class CountrySeeder does not exist) Mainly for two reasons: First Reason:– Either, we haven’t created seeder file. Solution Step 1. So, Create seeder…

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How to add Data to a New Column in Laravel PHP Framework? Part-2

How to add Data to a New Column in Laravel PHP Framework? In the previous blog part-1, we added a new column(email). Here, we’ll add data to a new column(email)….

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How to Add New Column in Laravel PHP Framework? Part-1

How to Add New Column in Laravel PHP Framework? Click CRUD Functionality of this Table. Whenever we need to change the table (add or remove column), we can follow this…

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How to Add New Row on top into a table in the Laravel PHP Framework? Part-2

How to Add New Row on top into a table in the Laravel PHP Framework? Here, We’ll see the adding of new row on top instead of adding in down….

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How to Use Search Functionality with Pagination in Laravel PHP Framework? Part 1

How to use Search Functionality with Pagination in Laravel PHP Framework? We are going to use Search Functionality with Pagination within the CRUD table. Click for the CRUD Functionality TABLE….

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How to Remove Old Images of Users in Laravel?

How to Remove Old Images of Users in Laravel? Uploading Profile Image of Users Click Step 1. Go to app/Http/Controllers/HomeController.php file and define the deleteOldImage function. Step 2. Use Storage…

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How to Upload Profile Image of Users in LARAVEL?

How to Upload Profile Image of Users in LARAVEL? Step 1. Create a new Project in Laravel, so open git bash. Write down the following command:- Step 2.  Now, Move to project directory on git Bash, so write down…

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How to use Search Functionality in Laravel?

How to use Search Functionality in Laravel? Step 1. Create a new Project in Laravel, so open git bash. Write down the following command:- Step 2. Now, Move to project directory on git Bash, so write down the following…

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How to Update Name and Email of Users in Laravel?

How to Update Name and Email of Users in Laravel? To know the Creation of project, User Authentication, Database Connection, Migration of tables. CLICK. Step 1. Go to resources/views/home.blade.php file…

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How to Generate New Password in Laravel?

How to Generate New Password in Laravel? Step 1. Create a new Project in Laravel, so Open git Bash. Write down the following command:- Step 2. Now, Move to project directory on git Bash, so write down the following…

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How to Verify an Email in Laravel?

How to Verify an Email in Laravel? Step 1. Create a new Project in Laravel, so Open git Bash. Write down the following command:- Step 2. Now, Move to project directory on git Bash, so write down the following…

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How to Login with Facebook, GOOGLE and twitter in Laravel?Part-2

How to Login with Facebook, GOOGLE and twitter in Laravel? Click this, Login with Facebook Here, we’ll start Login with Google. Step 1. Open this URL Google Developers Console to…

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How to Login with Facebook, GOOGLE and twitter in Laravel?Part-1

How to Login with Facebook, GOOGLE and twitter in Laravel? Step 1. Firstly, Create a new Project in Laravel, so open git bash. Write down the following command:- Step 2….

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How to Create a Simple Login Authentication System in LARAVEL?Part-2

How to Create a Simple Login Authentication System in LARAVEL? Firstly, Visit this Blog Part-1. Step 15. Now add these classes within MainController file. Step 16. Create a function checklogin…

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How to Create a Simple Login Authentication System in LARAVEL?Part-1

How to Create a Simple Login Authentication System in LARAVEL? Firstly, we’ll create a new project for this. Step 1. Go to XAMPP/htdocs folder -> right Click->Open Git Bash Here Step…

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How to show City List as per Country and State select in DropDown using AJAX in Laravel? Part-2

How to use AJAX in DropDown in Laravel? Example as in Country, State, and City. To Click Part-1 of its first blog. Now, we’ll start the next part of this….

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How to show City List as per Country and State select in DropDown using AJAX in Laravel? Part-1

How to use AJAX in DropDown in Laravel? Example as in Country, State, and City. What is the DropDown? Create a dropdown box that appears when the user moves the…

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How to implement CRUD functions in the Laravel PHP Framework? Part-3

How to implement CRUD functions in the Laravel PHP Framework? In previous blog Part-2, We have seen create() store() and index() functions. Step 18. Go to app/Http/Controller/CustomerServiceController.php and in that we have to…

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