How to Add New Column in Laravel PHP Framework? Part-1

How to Add New Column in Laravel PHP Framework?

Click CRUD Functionality of this Table.

Whenever we need to change the table (add or remove column), we can follow this steps as follows:

In this table, we’ll add New Column(Email).

Step 1. Go to the database/migrations/Service table file and add new column.


Step 2. Now, we need to Refresh the table. Write down the following command on Git Bash :

$ php artisan migrate: refresh

Step 3. Go to Git Bash and write the following command to roll back the latest migration operation:

$ php artisan migrate:rollback

Step 4. Run all of your outstanding migrations and write down the following command:

$ php artisan migrate

Step 5. Seed its database by this following command:

$ php artisan db:seed

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