What is Perl and use cases of Perl?
What is Perl? Perl is a high-level, general-purpose programming language known for its flexibility, ease of use, and powerful text manipulation capabilities. Originally developed by Larry Wall in the late…
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What is Perl and How it works? An Overview and Its Use Cases
Hey, this is Ashwani, and in this article I’m going to share some important things about Perl. As you see in the heading everything is clear to your mind that…
Read more »Introdcution of Perl
What is Perl Perl is a programming language, It’s Object Oriented, simple to learn and very powerful. Perl stand for: “Practical Extraction and Reporting Language”. Perl is an Interpreted language,…
Read more »Remove Control ^M from files
tpatil created the topic: Remove Control ^M from files Single file method perl -pi -e “s/\r//” filename.txt Multiple File Method find . -type f -exec perl -pi -e “s/\r//” {}…
Read more »I need to a perl script
rajeshkumar created the topic: i need to a perl script Hi , There is a file called test.txt what are all the different ways BEGIN: test 1 test 2 %%%%%%%%%%…
Read more »The difference between my and local
rajeshkumar created the topic: The difference between my and local There is a subtle difference. In the example below, $::a refers to $a in the ‘global’ namespace. ‘local’ temporarily changes…
Read more »What is the meaning of rigging?
scmuser created the topic: What is the meaning of rigging? Hi, Could you please tell me meaning of rigging in perl? Rajesh KumarI’m a DevOps/SRE/DevSecOps/Cloud Expert passionate about sharing knowledge…
Read more »Parenthesis After Module Name And Without Parenths
scmuser created the topic: parenthesis after module name and without parenths What is the difference between having a parenthesis after module name and without parenthsis after module name?? i.e Package::Module();…
Read more »Question Regarding to Eval Function
scmuser created the topic: question regarding to eval function I have one question regarding to eval function. I know eval function is use for error checking but I am not…
Read more »Find a particular word in a paragraph
scmuser created the topic: Find a particular word in a paragraph Write a Perl script to find a particular word in a paragraph??? Rajesh KumarI’m a DevOps/SRE/DevSecOps/Cloud Expert passionate about…
Read more »Create a flat file database using perl
scmuser created the topic: Create a flat file database using perl How to create a flat file database as shown below s.no name age city phone 0 hema 22 Calcutta…
Read more »Find whether a given line of text is starting and
scmuser created the topic: Find whether a given line of text is starting and Write a perl script to find whether a given line of text is starting and ending…
Read more »Use Vs require in perl
scmuser created the topic: use Vs require in perl Hi, Whats difference between “use” and “require” in perl? rajeshkumar replied the topic: Re: use Vs require in perl use is…
Read more »Spit out warnings on uninitialized variables Perl
scmuser created the topic: Spit out warnings on uninitialized variables Perl How to Spit out warnings on uninitialized variables in Perl? rajeshkumar replied the topic: Re: Spit out warnings on…
Read more »Installing Perl modules
rajeshkumar created the topic: Installing Perl modules Perl modules may be installed using the CPAN module or from source. CPAN method perl -MCPAN -e shell (to get an interactive CPAN…
Read more »Access denied for user ‘ODBC’@’localhost
rajeshkumar created the topic: Access denied for user ‘ODBC’@’localhost I am getting following error while running following command…any help > perl -MCPAN -e “install DBD::mysql”; Error D:\wamp\bin\mysql\MYSQL5~1.36\bin\MYSQLA~1.EXE: connect to server…
Read more »Perl -MCPAN -e “install DBD::mysql”
rajeshkumar created the topic: perl -MCPAN -e “install DBD::mysql” I am getting following issues while running following command in Windows Machine… perl -MCPAN -e “install DBD::mysql” Error Regards, Rajesh Kumar…
Read more »Use of use DBI;
scmuser created the topic: Use of use DBI; Hi, why do we use following syntax in perl program. can you please explain it? use DBI; rajeshkumar replied the topic: Re:…
Read more »Connect to my MySQL database using Perl?
rajeshkumar created the topic: connect to my MySQL database using Perl? #!/usr/bin/perl use DBI; $database = “DBNAME”; $hostname = “DBSERVER”; $port = “3306”; $username = “DBUSERNAME”; $password = ‘DBPASSWORD’; $dsn…
Read more »Why we use ‘use strict’ in perl
scmuser created the topic: Why we use ‘use strict’ in perl Hi, Why you should ‘use strict’? what is the significant of “strict” in out module? rajeshkumar replied the topic:…
Read more »Why do you program in Perl?
scmuser created the topic: Why do you program in Perl? Why do you program in Perl? What are the advantages of Perl ovber python and other languages? Rajesh KumarI’m a…
Read more »Difference between exec and system in perl?
scmuser created the topic: Difference between exec and system in perl? What are the Difference between exec and system in perl? please explain…. rajeshkumar replied the topic: Re: Difference between…
Read more »Embed perl in a C++ program / Java Program?
scmuser created the topic: embed perl in a C++ program / Java Program? How can I embed perl in a C++ program / Java Program? Any sample program?? Rajesh KumarI’m…
Read more »How to read properties file using perl
scmuser created the topic: How to read properties file using perl Hi, i would like to read properties file using perl…Any sample code or any example? My properties file is…
Read more »Creating file system info and put into mysql db
rajeshkumar created the topic: Creating file system info and put into mysql db Create a perl script for following task… 1. Read the directory mentioned by users and list all…
Read more »To test mysql remote server access using perl
rajeshkumar created the topic: To test mysql remote server access using perl perl -MDBI -e ‘DBI->connect(“DBI:mysql:rajesh:rajeshk-W7″,”rajesh”,”rajesh123″) or die DBI->errstr;’ perl -MDBI -e ‘DBI->connect(“DBI:mysql:myDB:server2.whatever.co.uk”,”myuser”,”mypassword”) or die DBI->errstr;’ Regards, Rajesh Kumar Twitt…
Read more »How to Open Directory and read and display all the file using perl
rajeshkumar created the topic: How to Open Directory and read and display all the file using perl Method 1 $DIR = “/home/rajesh”; $DIRHANDLE = “HANDLE”; opendir ($DIRHANDLE, “$DIR”) || die…
Read more »How to identify which perl module has been installed.
scmuser created the topic: How to identify which perl module has been installed. How to identify which perl module has been installed. rajeshkumar replied the topic: Re: How to identify…
Read more »Find out which perl module installed?
scmuser created the topic: find out which perl module installed? Hi, what is the way to find out perl module which has been installed in unix / linux system? rajeshkumar…
Read more »$_ and @_ in perl
scmuser created the topic: $_ and @_ in perl Hi, Can you please talk about $_ and @_ in perl? Rajesh KumarI’m a DevOps/SRE/DevSecOps/Cloud Expert passionate about sharing knowledge and…
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