What is Kubernetes and use cases of Kubernetes ?

What is Kubernetes ? Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform planned to automate the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It was originally evolved by Google and is…

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Top 50 interview questions and answers for kubehunter

1. What is kubehunter? Kubehunter is a tool used to scan Kubernetes clusters for security vulnerabilities. 2. What are some common security vulnerabilities in Kubernetes clusters? Some common vulnerabilities include…

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Top 50 interview questions and answers for knative

1. What is Knative? Knative is an open-source platform that helps developers build, deploy, and manage serverless workloads on Kubernetes. 2. What are the benefits of using Knative? Knative makes…

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Kubernetes Trainer in Netherland, Amsterdam

This blog will make you familiar to Kubernetes trainer in Netherland, Amsterdam What is Kubernetes? Kubernetes is a framework for running and coordinating containerized applications across a cluster of machines…

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What is Container Runtime Interface (CRI)?

Container Runtime Interface (CRI) Container runtime interface (CRI) is a plugin interface that lets the kubelet—an agent that runs on every node in a Kubernetes cluster—use more than one type…

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Top 50 Kubernetes interview questions and answers

1) What is Kubernetes? Kubernetes is a container management system developed in the Google platform. The purpose of Kubernetes is to manage a containerized application in various types of physical,…

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What is the future of Docker and Kubernetes engineers?

In the current age, almost all IT companies are moving their infrastructure and architecture to cloud and DevOps trends. We can see cloud computing, containerization and orchestration solutions everywhere. When…

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What is Kubernetes Pods? Working with Pods

Birth Events of PODS Example of POD? Commads for working with POD? pod.yaml deployment.yaml How to use & troubleshoot Kubernetes pods? Troubleshooting and Debugging Commands: explain Documentation of resources —…

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An Overview of Kubernetes

Kubernetes is a powerful container management tool that automates the deployment and management of containers. Kubernetes is container-runtime agnostic. Kubernetes will keep those containers running and handle deploying changes (such…

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4 Kubernetes Certification Program – Overview

Kuberentes is an open source tool for container orchestration which helps in the management of applications built out of multiple, largely self-contained runtimes called containers. It allows you to deploy…

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kubernetes volume dynamic provisioning example 1

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Kubernetes configmaps: How to update configmap automatically into pods?

We often come acorss following questions while working with ConfigMap and secret are as follows; How to Updating Kubernetes Deployments on a ConfigMap Change? How Mounted ConfigMap is updated automatically…

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List of Top Service mesh implementation tools for microservices and Kubernetes

What is a service mesh?The term service mesh is used to describe the network of microservices that make up such applications and the interactions between them. As a service mesh…

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Top 11 Managed Kubernetes Service and Platform in Cloud

Google Container EngineGoogle Kubernetes Engine is a powerful cluster manager and orchestration system for running your Docker containers. GKE is an enterprise-grade platform for containerized applications, including stateful and stateless,…

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List of Popular Tools and Applications in Kubernetes ecosystem

K8s Cluster Management kubespray – Deploy a Production Ready Kubernetes Cluster kops – kops helps you create, destroy, upgrade and maintain production-grade, highly available, Kubernetes clusters from the command line. AWS is…

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Minikube – Addons

Hi All, This is part 4 of Minikube Series on DevOpsSchool.com. Minikube is feature loaded which gives us liberty to test many of the scenarios, without giving much attention to…

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Minikube Exposing Kubernetes workload from EC2 Instance.

Part 1 – Step by step guide on MINIKUBE installation on EC2 instance can be found here, Folks in this tutorial we will try to learn how to expose a…

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Kubernetes Commands: kubectl get – Tutorials and Examples

kubectl get- Display one or many resources Prints a table of the most important information about the specified resources. You can filter the list using… A label selector and The…

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Kubernetes Commands: kubectl config – Tutorials and Examples

The kubectl command-line tool uses kubeconfig files(file named with – config) to find the information it needs to choose a cluster and communicate with the API server of a cluster….

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Kubernetes Port requirement during Kubernetes Installing using kubeadm

Control-plane node(s) – required ports Protocol Direction Port Range Purpose Used By TCP Inbound 6443* Kubernetes API server All TCP Inbound 2379-2380 etcd server client API kube-apiserver, etcd TCP Inbound…

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Kubeadm Errors: network plugin is not ready: cni config uninitialized

Error Message Solution

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Kubernetes Interview Questions and Answer Part – 8

What is the primary application transport mechanism for the Kubernetes API Server? Server side RPC calls Javascript over WebSockets TCP multiplexing over HTTP/S JSON Over HTTP/S (Ans) Objects in the…

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Kubernetes Interview Questions and Answer Part – 7

What is the main reason why the Ingress API has not been developed beyond its original specification? It was delivered to test ingress use cases, but annotations took over and…

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Kubernetes Interview Questions and Answer Part – 6

Which of the following is correct about Kubernetes Pods? Pods can only contain a single VM Pods can only contain a single container Pods can contain one or more containers…

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Kubernetes Interview Questions and Answer Part – 5

Which of the following describes the fundamentals of Kubernetes Pod networks? Each Pod gets a unique routable IP on the Pod network (Ans) All Pods share a common IP and…

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Kubernetes Interview Questions and Answer Part – 4

Which of the following best describes Kubernetes from a licensing standpoint? Proprietary technology under a subscription license from Google, Inc Open-source under the OpenStack Foundation Proprietary technology under a subscription…

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Update the taints on one or more nodes in Kubernetes

What is meaning of taint? a trace of a bad or undesirable substance or quality. What is tainted? spoiled; damaged in quality, taste, or value: Follwing are workload which run…

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Setup NFS server and use inside a Kubernetes pods in RHEL/CENTOS7

Setup a NFS server in one of the node of Kubernetes Cluster using rhel 7.X Validate NFS server is working Manually Using NFS server in Kubernetes Pods

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Kubernetes Configmap explained using example

Content of reverseproxy.conf Commands to execute to create configmap Example pod using configmap Validating configmap inside a pod

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Detailed explaination of joining Kubernetes Nodes aka workers in Kubernetes master?

Step 1 – Install Docker https://www.devopsschool.com/tutorial/docker/install-config/ https://www.devopsschool.com/tutorial/docker/install-config/docker-install-commuityedition-centos-rhel.html Step 2 – How to find discovery-token-ca-cert-has in kubernetes master node? Mehtod 1 – Using openssl Method 2 – Using Ansible Python Filter…

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