How to Generate New Password in Laravel?

How to Generate New Password in Laravel?

Step 1. Create a new Project in Laravel, so Open git Bash. Write down the following command:-

$ composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel changepassword "5.8.*"

Step 2. Now, Move to project directory on git Bash, so write down the following command:-

$ cd changepassword

Mysql Database connection Laravel

Step 3. Now, we have to Create a new DatabaseGo to XAMPP server->phpMyAdmin->Click New Database->changepassword.

Step 4. Now, Go to .env file to set the project path and give the project APP_URL, DB_DATABASE name and DB_USERNAME name.

Step 5.  Create the user authentication scaffoldingWrite down the following command:-

$ php artisan make:auth

Step 6.  Thereafter, Migrate tables into the MySQL databaseWrite the following command within git Base.

$ php artisan migrate

Step 7. Go to app/Http/Controller/HomeController.php file and write down this following code:-

Step 8. Go to resources/views/home.blade.php file and write down this following code:-

Step 9. Go to Route/web.php file and write down this following code:-

Route::post('/home', 'HomeController@changePasswordUpdate')->name('home');


Checking the current password matches or not with the provided password

Checking new password should not be same with the current password

Password changed Successfully
