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How to Insert and Retrieve Data in Database – Laravel Framework

In this example, I am going to show you how to insert data in the database using laravel framework PHP.

First, creating table the SQL query:

CREATE TABLE student_details
first_name varchar(50),
last_name varchar(50),
city_name varchar(50),
email varchar(50),

Now, create three file for insert data in Laravel.

Step 1. Create a controller name as StudInsertController.php.
The file location is : (app/Http/Controllers/StudInsertController.php)

Step 2. Create view page name as stud_create.php
The file location is: (resources/views/stud_create.php)

Then put this code in your StudInsertController.php.

Then put this code in your stud_create.blade.php.

Step 3. Then go to routes as web.php and put this code.
The file location is : (routes/web.php)


Then, you can see the data is inserted.

So, the data is inserted in the database, then we need to retrieve a record or data from the MySQL database.

Step 4. Create a controller for view name as StudViewController.php.
The file location is : (app/Http/Controllers/StudViewController.php)

Step 5. Create a view page name as stud_view.blade.php.
The file location is : (resources/views/stud_view.blade.php).

Then put this code StudViewController.php.

Then, retrieve the students data then put this code stud_view.blade.php.

Step 6. Then go to routes as web.php and put this code.
The file location is (routes/web.php)


Then, you can see the view page.

Narayan K