Insert and Retrieve data from database in PHP using MySQLI

What is Mysqli:-The Mysqli extension, or as it is used before this name the MYSQL and update extension, was developed to take advantage of new features found in Mysqli systems…

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How to install and activate plugins in Moodle?

Moodle is an open source platform which is used for managing your course and it is also called CMS ( Course management system). Here I want to say you about…

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How to Upload files or Documents in Mysql Database Using laravel.

Step: 1- First of all you have to go:- Step:2- then right-click in this Drive and got to Git Bas Here and click. Step:3-run the composer step: 4- write the…

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How to Move a Live WordPress Site to Local Server

Why we are discussing on this topic because we are here to tell you when any developer of WordPress wants to test new themes, plugins, or another development testing. then…

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Exploring Directory Structure in laravel.

Laravel applications follow the Model-View-Controller architecture design pattern. Models represent the entities in the database and help you to query the database and return the data Views are the pages that will be displayed…

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Complete Reference Guide

Complete reference guide of PHP Databases!

PHP MySQL Introduction MySQL is one of the most popular relational database system being used on the Web today. It is freely available and easy to install, however if you have installed…

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How to fix PHPMyAdmin error, incorrect format parameter that appeared while importing a database?

First of all, we have to see some basic settings which are situated in php.ini. whenever we upload a database which size will be greater than max upload size and…

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