What is the difference between stateless and stateful widgets? >>Flutter.

I am learning Dart/flutter and trying to understand how Widgets system works and I found out some useful things, hope it helps you too. Actually There are 3 kind of…

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Fundamental of Digital Marketing?

Today’s world is a digital world. The world is changing at a very fast pace and there are so many favourable for businesses with a global population Online. Nowadays so…

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kubernetes ingress complete reference

Kubernetes basic ingress tutorials with examples and Lab using nodeport Kubernetes ingress tutorials with examples and Lab using NodePort Kubernetes ingress tutorials with examples and Lab using Loadbalancer

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Kubernetes POD observability and Deep Dive

Understanding Node Selector and Node Affinity in Kubernetes

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Kubernetes cluster backup and restore using “etcdctl” tool

What is etcd?etcd is a distributed reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system, with a focus on being: Simple: well-defined, user-facing API (gRPC) Secure: automatic…

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Kubernetes Cluster Administration: Complete Reference

top: -Display Resource (CPU/Memory/Storage) usage What is metrics-server and How to Install metrics-server in kubernetes? taint: -Update the taints on one or more nodes Update the taints on one or…

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schedulable/unschedulable kubernetes node using kubectl cordon uncordon commands

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What is metrics-server and How to Install metrics-server in kubernetes?

Metrics Server is a scalable, efficient source of container resource metrics for Kubernetes built-in autoscaling pipelines. Metrics Server collects resource metrics from Kubelets and exposes them in Kubernetes apiserver through…

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Top 10 best browsers based password managers in 2020

Google Password Manager https://passwords.google.com/ Firefox Lockwise Firefox Lockwise is a password manager for the Firefox web browser, as well as the mobile operating systems iOS and Android. On desktop, Lockwise…

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Kubernetes Resource requests and limits of Pod and Container

CPU and memory are each a resource type. A resource type has a base unit. CPU represents compute processing and is specified in units of Kubernetes CPUs. Memory is specified…

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Sonarqube Errors and Database

Error 1 Solution 1 https://www.devopsschool.com/blog/elastic-search-error-max-virtual-memory-areas-vm-max_map_count-65530-is-too-low-increase-to-at-least-262144/ https://www.devopsschool.com/blog/elastic-search-error-max-file-descriptors-4096-for-elasticsearch-process-is-too-low-increase-to-at-least-65535/ Error 2 Solution 2: SonarQube Tutorial & OWASP SonarQube Tutorial Securing Code (SAST) Crash Course:- https://bit.ly/3x5ZOmA

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How to search multiple words at a time in PHP with MySql Database

In this tutorial we are going to learn how can search multiple words from Mysql table in a single query in php. You have show any web site there is…

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How to do Auto Load and Refresh Div every Seconds with jQuery and Ajax with PHP Script.

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to do auto load and refresh div every second by using JQuery and Ajax method with PHP Script. In this tutorial…

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How to join two tables using left join in SQL.

Step:1 Step:2 Step:3 Step:4 Step:5 Syntax of left join in SQL SELECT column_name(like that CustomerName and OrderID these are column name step-4)FROM table1 (Cumstomers is table name)LEFT JOIN table2 (orders is table name)ON table1.column_name = table2.column_name;

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How to exclude specific host from inventory from a playbook run in Ansible?

Suppose you want to exclude a troublesome host (bad_host) from a particular playbook run. Try using a negated ‘limit’ option: By using –limit argument with ansible-playbook command we can exclude…

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Top 30 Free grammar checker and spell checker tools in 2020

Check your English text for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors with following free grammar and spell checker. I compiled a list of the best grammar checker and spell checker tools…

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Certified Kubernetes Administrator CKA Exam – Dumps Part 2

Duration – 30 minsType – Quiz Multiple Questions and Answer Step 1 – Access https://www.devopsschool.com/lms/login/index.php Login Using “Google”. ie. – gmail email id and password Step 2 – Access this…

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Certified Kubernetes Administrator CKA Exam – Dumps Part 1

Note – “firstname” Means “Your first name” Duration – 1 HOUR Q1. Create one Namespace with your “firstname”. Q2. Create a POD in your namespace with Nginx image. POD name…

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7 Most Common Mistakes in Python Programming: Student Cheat Sheet

Mistakes are inevitable, and they help us become better and improve our skills. Whether you learn languages or programming, the rule is the same. However, we could all use a…

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Agile Certification Authorized by DevOpsCertification.Co

DevOpsCertification.Co is dedicated to advancing the human elements of Agile success. Our role-based approach to certification focuses on the most modern competencies and hireable skills required by today’s organizations adopting…

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What is MVC and Why use MVC?

Model View Controller (MVC) The MVC is an architecture pattern that separates an application into three main logical components Model, View, and Controller. Each of these components has its own…

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Master of DevOps Engineering Certification Authorized by DevOpsCertification.co

About Master of DevOps Engineering DevOpsCertification.co curriculum is based on IT industry research and the most up-to-date resources to enable a role-based development approach that focuses on modern competencies required…

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Laravel Migration

How to add a column or columns to an existing table using migration in Laravel.

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DevSecOps Certification authorized by- DevOpsCertification.co

The DevOpsCertification.co Program offers you the ability to earn credentials to demonstrate your DevSecOps expertise. It is designed to validate your DevSecOps Certified Professional skills and capability to perform role-related…

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Understanding Kubernetes’s Taints and Tolerations in easy way

What is meaning of taint?a trace of a bad or undesirable substance or quality. What is tainted?spoiled; damaged in quality, taste, or value. What is toleration?the practice of tolerating something,…

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Understanding Node Selector and Node Affinity in Kubernetes

The Kubernetes scheduler can be constrained to place a pod on particular nodes using few different options. In your POD specification, there are many ways in which you declare a…

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How to run a selenium-server-standalone and grid/hub mode?

What is Selenium Server (Grid)?The Selenium Server is needed in order to run Remote Selenium WebDriver (Grid). Download Location – Click Herehttps://www.selenium.dev/downloads/ As per GridRole class – Selenium server can…

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Selenium Example Programs and Examples

Basic-Selenium-Java getting-started-with-selenium-example-programs Selenium-WebDriver-3-Practical-Guide-Second-Edition RxDemo-Java-UT-AT-Selenium Selenium-Maven-Template

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Kubernetes basic ingress tutorials with examples and Lab using nodeport

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Kubernetes ingress tutorials with examples and Lab using Loadbalancer

In this demo, there are following ways to setup ingress as below; Single service Multiple services Services using a default backend Services using name based virtual hosts TLS configuration Sample…

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