If you have forgotton the admin password of Stash

rajeshkumar created the topic: If you have forgotton the admin password of Stash If you have forgotton the admin password of Stash. 1. Edit the \bin\setenv.sh file (or setenv.bat on…

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Github Error: -Couldn’t find host github.com in the _netrc file; using defaults

rajeshkumar created the topic: Couldn’t find host github.com in the _netrc file; using defaults C:\Build_WS\BuildDeployment\Job1\117>git push –verbose * Couldn’t find host github.com in the _netrc file; using defaults * Adding…

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ERROR: Error cloning remote repo ‘origin’

rajeshkumar created the topic: ERROR: Error cloning remote repo ‘origin’ Error Started by user anonymous Building in workspace D:\tools\jenkins\jobs\Matrix-Fast-java\workspace Cloning the remote Git repository Cloning repository github.com/scmgalaxy/helloworld-java-ant.git > git.exe init…

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Protocol error: bad band #101?

scmuser created the topic: send-pack: protocol error: bad band #101? How to resolve this issue during push in git using jenkins…. 21:36:30 [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-release-plugin:2.3.1-snc1:prepare (default-cli) on…

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Homebrew – error: The following untracked working tree files would be

rajeshkumar created the topic: Homebrew – error: The following untracked working tree files would be Error error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge Solution Check…

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Cloning/Accessing Repositories Form Windows

vinavs@yahoo.com created the topic: cloning/accessing repositories form windows I am having trouble accessing the git repository from windows machine. I generated the ssh keys in windows from cygwin and added…

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Rename the Branch name

pasupuleti2 created the topic: Rename the Branch name Can we rename the Master branch to Development branch without losing history in Bitbucket? If it is possible, Please give me step…

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Server sent unexpected return value (423 Locked) i

scmuser created the topic: Server sent unexpected return value (423 Locked) i Hi During checking of files i am getting following error. Any help? “Server sent unexpected return value (423…

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Error validating server certificate for

scmuser created the topic: Error validating server certificate for I am getting error during checkout source code from Svn. Error validating server certificate for https://XYZ:443: – Unknown certificate issuer Fingerprint:…

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Apache2 LDAP authorization for Subversion with OpenDS

rajeshkumar created the topic: Apache2 LDAP authorization for Subversion with OpenDS Apache2 LDAP authorization for Subversion with OpenDS There are several ways to enable user authentication for web based applications,…

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ClearCase to SVN migration

vijayakumar.cm created the topic: ClearCase to SVN migration Hi, I have done the successful migration form CVS to SVN,now i need to migrate few projects from Clearcase to SVN. Could…

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Hello me to choose SCM as a career

uma.arumugam created the topic: Hello me to choose SCM as a career Hello Guys! Please help me to tell me everything about SCM. I wanna make my career in SCM….

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Delta Builds ?

saiki created the topic: delta builds ? Hi, Can any one give more info on delta builds? rajeshkumar replied the topic: Re: delta builds ? Hi Deepak, Every Project has…

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Bug Tracking Tool in TFS

geethusri26 created the topic: Bug Tracking Tool in TFS Hi, Can anyone please share your ideas and experiences using Bug tracking tool in TFS. We are in process of migrating…

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Need expertise on VSS

venu.madhav48@gmail.com created the topic: Need expertise on VSS Currently we are migrating VSS to ClearCase.iam facing few problems. Iam trying to do sink up activty across the environments I have…

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Has anyone experience with AccuRev?

mfeighner created the topic: Has anyone experience with AccuRev? Has anyone experience with AccuRev? In contrast to most SCM solutions, AccuRev does not use the concepts of branches or labels….

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MSBuild feature

geethusri26 created the topic: MSBuild feature Hi, Can anyone share TFS MSbuild features in ppt or slideshow ? rajeshkumar replied the topic: Re:MSBuild feature Hi, please check here… scmgalaxy.com/index.php?option=com_conte…ry&id=195&Itemid=186 Regards,…

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ruta created the topic: ec2deploy I need to download ec2deploy.Can somebody tell me how do i do it? I need some more clarity on ec2deploy. This is urgent.please help rajeshkumar…

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Regarding Power shell script

shanu2010 created the topic: regarding Power shell script Hi Frnds, we are changing the IIS server passwords every 90 days once.I need to automate the password change policy for 90…

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Need Change Synergy 7.1 API

vijayakumar.cm created the topic: Need Change Synergy 7.1 API Hi, Could anyone please help me to get the API for Change Synergy 7.1 version. Thanks & Regards, Vijay

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Hudson CI for TFS projects?

pankaj2252369@gmail.com created the topic: Hudson CI for TFS projects? Does any one had experience on HUDSON & TFS Integration? more light would be helpful. rajeshkumar replied the topic: Re: Hudson…

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Tool Selection Process

mfeighner created the topic: Tool Selection Process www.cmbestpractices.com/index.php?option…d=44:tools&Itemid=81 rajeshkumar replied the topic: Tool Selection Process Hi Mike, Is it your website? seems the post have been wrongly-linked with other thread…..

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Top 5 git version control software in cloud

Cloud Based cloudforge Assembla github bitbucket beanstalk Gitlab Some of them can be hosted behind the firewall as well in your company premises. Gerrit Gitlab Github

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How to Select the Right Software version Control Product?

Original link: http://www.cmcrossroads.com/cm-articles/275-articles/14286-selecting-the-right-software-version-control-product Selecting the Right Software Version Control Product Written by Mike Feighner For many years, I worked loyally for the same company where my expertise was restricted to…

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Power Point PPT: Version Control With CVS – Complete Guide

Power Point PPT: Version Control With CVS Version Control With CVS from Rajesh Kumar  

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Why Worry About Versioning? – Versioning Complete guide

Why Worry About Versioning? Having a good version scheme for your software is important for several reasons. The following are the top five things a version scheme allows you to…

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Steps to Import Module Process by using WinCVS

Import Normally refers to the process of creating a new module in the repository by sending an entire directory structure. Module A directory hierarchy. A software project normally exists as…

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