How to trigger a jenkins job when code is pushed to github using “GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling”

The GitHub plugin for Jenkins is the most basic plugin for integrating Jenkins with GitHub projects. If you are a GitHub user, this plugin enables you to:
  • Schedule your build
  • Pull your code and data files from your GitHub repository to your Jenkins machine
  • Automatically trigger each build on the Jenkins server, after each Commit on your Git repository
This saves you time and lets you incorporate your project into the Continuous Integration (CI) process.

Step 1 – Install the Github Jenkins plugin

Go to “Manage Jenkins” –> “Manage Plugins” –> “Available” Tab –> Search for “GitHub plugin” and install it.

Step 2 – Configure the “GitHub plugin” with github accounts and taken

Go to “Manage Jenkins” –> “Configure System” –> Locate “Github” section and “Add Github Server” and do following modification.

  • API URL – If you server is, your “API URL” would be “”. Otherwise if you use GitHub Enterprise, specify its API endpoint here (e.g.,
  • Credentials – You can create your own personal access token in your account GitHub settings. Token should be registered with scopes. Refer . Add credentials (your Github token) and Apply.
  • “Test Connection”.

Step 3 – Configure Jenkins Job on which you want push trigger should be effective.

  • Check the GitHub project checkbox and set the Project URL to point to your GitHub Repository
  • Under Source Code Management, check Git and set the Repository URL to point to your GitHub Repository
  • Under Build Triggers, check the “GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling” checkbox

Step 4 – Configure “webhook” on github for the specific repository.

Go to repostory settings and then “Webhooks” and Click on “Add Webhook” and then fill a “Payload URL” and leave secret empty. “Payload URL” must be your jenkins server url postfix with “/github-webhook/”. Such as

Step 5 – Commit and push in Git repo using workstation and verify the job triggered new build or not?

git clone git-url
cd helloworld-java-maven/
vi readme.txt
git add --all
git commit -m"adding"
git push origin master

Rajesh Kumar
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1 year ago

do to do this for pipeline job ?

1 year ago

hi Rajesh, what if the ip address where jenkins is located is private?
I cannot not access (from bitbucket- in my case)

Thank you!

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